GDB server Error

It seems i got most popular tegra error NO1!

msvc 2013 ultimate
galaxy s7 + last OS update

phone is rebooted before debug
phone is non-rooted

Starting gdb server… error
Cannot launch gdb : all options have failed
Failed to attach: Failed to start gdbserver on the device

Hi Andreyp,

Could you show me the log at C:\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA Corporation\Nsight Tegra\Logs\Nsight Tegra.log

It seems caused by os security permission restriction of the device.

Hey Victor:


2017-06-14 22:01:49.8820|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|1-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “version” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9310|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|1-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:01:49.9310|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|1-stdout:
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.36
Revision af05c7354fe1-android

2017-06-14 22:01:49.9310|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|1-exited: code 0, finished in 47 ms
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9310|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|2-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “start-server” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9700|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|2-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:01:49.9700|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|2-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:01:49.9700|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|2-exited: code 0, finished in 31 ms
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9830|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.Tools.AdbClient|[ADB] Received response OKAY
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9830|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.Tools.AdbClient|[ADB] Connected to adb server
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9830|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.Tools.AdbClient|[ADB] Received response 001a
2017-06-14 22:01:49.9830|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.Tools.AdbClient|[ADB] Received response ad06160310a1b0d9c9 device

2017-06-14 22:01:50.0160|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|3-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell getprop” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:01:50.1420|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|3-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:01:50.1590|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|3-exited: code 0, finished in 140 ms
2017-06-14 22:01:50.1590|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|3-stdout:
[audioflinger.bootsnd]: [0]
[boot.sfbootcomplete]: [0]
[call.3rdParty]: [0]
[call.emergency.dial]: [false]
[dalvik.vm.appimageformat]: [lz4]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [256m]
[dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [8m]
[dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [2m]
[dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [512m]
[dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [8m]
[dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.75]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features]: [default]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant]: [cortex-a15]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]
[dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant]: [exynos-m1]
[dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file]: [/data/anr/traces.txt]
[dalvik.vm.usejit]: [true]
[dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles]: [true]
[debug.atrace.tags.enableflags]: [0]
[debug.force_rtl]: [0]
[debug.hwc.winupdate]: [1]
[debug.sf.layerdump]: [0]
[debug.slsi_platform]: [1]
[dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
[dev.kies.deviceowner]: [0]
[dev.kies.drivedisplay]: [1]
[]: [0]
[dev.kies.sommode]: [TRUE]
[dev.kiessupport]: [TRUE]
[dev.knoxapp.running]: [false]
[dev.mtp.opensession]: [1]
[]: [false]
[dev.ssrm.appsync3p]: [true]
[dev.ssrm.gamelevel]: [-4,5,-1,2]
[dev.ssrm.init]: [1]
[dev.ssrm.live_thumbnail]: [1]
[dev.ssrm.mode]: [dm;]
[dev.ssrm.pst]: [318]
[dev.ssrm.smart_switch]: [true]
[drm.service.enabled]: [true]
[gsm.STK_SETUP_MENU2]: [MegaFonPRO]
[]: [1,1]
[]: [true]
[gsm.facilitylock.state]: [false]
[]: [Unknown,HSDPA]
[gsm.operator.alpha]: [,MegaFon]
[gsm.operator.iso-country]: [,ru]
[gsm.operator.ispsroaming]: [false,false]
[gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false,false]
[gsm.operator.numeric]: [,25002]
[gsm.sim.acc]: [0000000000001000]
[gsm.sim.gsmoperator.numeric]: [,]
[gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: [,MegaFon]
[gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [,ru]
[gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [,25002]
[gsm.sim.state]: [ABSENT,READY]
[gsm.version.baseband]: [G930FXXU1DQEM]
[gsm.version.baseband1]: [G930FXXU1DQEM]
[]: [Samsung RIL v3.0]
[init.svc.BCS-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.DIAG-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.DR-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.SIDESYNC_service]: [running]
[init.svc.SMD-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.TvoutService_C]: [running]
[init.svc.adbd]: [running]
[init.svc.apaservice]: [running]
[init.svc.argos-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.at_distributor]: [running]
[init.svc.audioserver]: [running]
[init.svc.auditd]: [running]
[init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
[init.svc.bootchecker]: [stopped]
[init.svc.cameraserver]: [running]
[init.svc.ccm]: [running]
[init.svc.clear-bcb]: [stopped]
[init.svc.compact_memory]: [stopped]
[init.svc.cpboot-daemon]: [running]
[init.svc.cs_service]: [running]
[init.svc.debuggerd]: [running]
[init.svc.debuggerd64]: [running]
[init.svc.drm]: [running]
[init.svc.edmaudit]: [running]
[init.svc.epmlogd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.eris]: [running]
[init.svc.esecomm]: [running]
[init.svc.fingerprintd]: [running]
[init.svc.flash_recovery]: [stopped]
[init.svc.gatekeeperd]: [running]
[init.svc.gpsd]: [running]
[init.svc.healthd]: [running]
[init.svc.icd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.imsd]: [running]
[init.svc.installd]: [running]
[init.svc.iod]: [running]
[init.svc.jackservice]: [running]
[init.svc.keystore]: [running]
[init.svc.lhd]: [running]
[init.svc.lmkd]: [running]
[init.svc.logd]: [running]
[init.svc.logd-reinit]: [stopped]
[init.svc.macloader]: [stopped]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.mediacodec]: [running]
[init.svc.mediadrm]: [running]
[init.svc.mediaextractor]: [running]
[init.svc.mobicore]: [running]
[init.svc.netd]: [running]
[init.svc.otp]: [running]
[init.svc.p2p_supplicant]: [running]
[init.svc.powersnd]: [stopped]
[init.svc.prepare_param]: [stopped]
[]: [running]
[]: [running]
[init.svc.rtc_log]: [running]
[init.svc.scs]: [stopped]
[init.svc.sdp_cryptod]: [running]
[init.svc.sec-sh]: [stopped]
[init.svc.secure_storage]: [running]
[init.svc.sem_daemon]: [stopped]
[init.svc.sensorhubservice]: [running]
[init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
[init.svc.ss_kb_service]: [running]
[init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
[init.svc.swapon]: [stopped]
[init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
[init.svc.vold]: [running]
[init.svc.watchdogd]: [running]
[init.svc.zygote]: [running]
[init.svc.zygote_secondary]: [running]
[keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
[logd.auditd]: [false]
[logd.kernel]: [false]
[]: [Android]
[net.change]: [net.dns2]
[net.dns1]: []
[net.hostname]: [android-dd8947ceb9574ad9]
[net.knox.shareddevice.version]: [2.6.0]
[net.knoxscep.version]: [2.1.1]
[net.knoxsso.version]: [2.5.0]
[net.knoxvpn.version]: [2.3.0]
[net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
[net.smart_switch.disabled]: [1]
[net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]: [60]
[nfc.fw.dfl_areacode]: [DEF]
[nfc.fw.downloadmode_force]: [0]
[nfc.fw.rfreg_display_ver]: [2]
[nfc.fw.rfreg_ver]: [17/4/18/17.25.19]
[nfc.smartcard.binded]: [true]
[]: [0]
[]: [350000]
[]: [350000]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [9]
[]: [9]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [SER]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[]: [214500]
[persist.bluetooth_fw_ver]: [bcm4359C0_V0092.0143_semco.hcd]
[persist.demo.hdmirotationlock]: [false]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [true]
[]: [false]
[]: [false]
[]: [1,1]
[]: [2]
[]: [dsds]
[]: [,MegaFon]
[]: [domestic]
[]: [1]
[]: [18]
[]: [false]
[]: [false]
[]: [3]
[]: [3]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [SHANNON335]
[]: [SHANNON335]
[]: [0]
[persist.service.bdroid.version]: [4.2]
[]: [0]
[]: [Wed May 31 08:04:19 KST 2017]
[persist.sys.clssprld1]: [887]
[persist.sys.clssprld2]: [316]
[persist.sys.cpboot]: [unknown]
[persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: []
[persist.sys.display_density]: [480]
[persist.sys.ims.supportmmtel1]: [0]
[persist.sys.ims.supportmmtel2]: [1]
[persist.sys.imsomc_updated]: [false]
[persist.sys.locale]: [ru-RU]
[persist.sys.localedefault]: [ru-RU]
[persist.sys.profiler_ms]: [0]
[]: [false]
[persist.sys.setupwizard]: [FINISH]
[persist.sys.silent]: [1]
[persist.sys.sm_mode]: [1]
[persist.sys.ssrm_unbox_cnt]: [0]
[persist.sys.storage_preload]: [2]
[persist.sys.timezone]: [Europe/Moscow]
[persist.sys.usb.config]: [mtp,adb]
[persist.sys.usb.dualrole]: [false]
[persist.sys.webview.vmsize]: [124372560]
[pm.dexopt.ab-ota]: [speed-profile]
[]: [speed-profile]
[pm.dexopt.boot]: [verify-profile]
[pm.dexopt.core-app]: [speed]
[pm.dexopt.first-boot]: [interpret-only]
[pm.dexopt.forced-dexopt]: [speed]
[pm.dexopt.install]: [interpret-only]
[pm.dexopt.nsys-library]: [speed]
[pm.dexopt.shared-apk]: [speed]
[ril.CHAR]: [23893]
[ril.CompleteMsg]: [OK]
[ril.ICC_TYPE]: [0,2]
[ril.LIMA]: [7780]
[ril.RildInit]: [1,1]
[ril.airplane.mode]: [0]
[ril.approved_codever]: [none]
[ril.approved_cscver]: [none]
[ril.approved_modemver]: [none]
[ril.atd_status]: [1_1_0]
[ril.backoffstate]: [1024]
[ril.callcount]: [0]
[ril.cbd.boot_done]: [1]
[ril.cbd.dt_revision]: [008]
[ril.cbd.first_xmit_done]: [1]
[ril.cbd.rfs_check_done]: [1]
[ril.cs_svc]: [1]
[]: [rmnet]
[]: [1]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[ril.debug_modemfactory]: [CSC Feature State: IMS ON, EPDG ON]
[ril.ecclist00]: [112,911]
[ril.ecclist10]: [112,911,112,911,112,911]
[ril.epdg.available]: [false]
[ril.epdg.connecting]: [-1]
[ril.epdg.handover.enable]: [true]
[ril.epdg.simVZW]: [false]
[ril.hasisim]: [0,1]
[ril.hw_ver]: [MP 0.700]
[ril.hw_ver2]: [MP 0.700]
[ril.ims.ecsupport]: [2,2]
[ril.ims.ltevoicesupport]: [2,2]
[ril.initPB]: [0]
[ril.initPB2]: [1]
[ril.isIccChanged]: [,0]
[ril.iscdma]: [0]
[ril.isctc]: [0,0]
[ril.model_id]: [QB6540781]
[ril.model_id2]: [QB6540781]
[ril.modem.board]: [SHANNON335]
[ril.modem.board2]: [SHANNON335]
[ril.modem.lte.powercontrol]: [on]
[ril.official_cscver]: [G930FOXE1DQEM]
[ril.otasp_state]: [3]
[ril.product_code]: [SM-G930FZSUSER]
[ril.product_code2]: [SM-G930FZSUSER]
[ril.radiostate]: [10]
[]: [1]
[ril.rfcal_date]: [20160818]
[ril.rfcal_date2]: [20160818]
[ril.rildreset]: [768]
[ril.serialnumber]: [R58H835299J]
[ril.servicestate]: [1,0]
[ril.simoperator]: [,ETC]
[]: [0,0]
[ril.subinfo]: [0:-2,1:1]
[ril.sw_ver]: [G930FXXU1DQEM]
[ril.sw_ver2]: [G930FXXU1DQEM]
[ril.twwan911Timer]: [40]
[ril.voicecapable]: [true]
[rild.libpath]: [/system/lib64/]
[rild.libpath2]: [/system/lib64/]
[ro.adb.qemud]: [1]
[]: [1]
[ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
[ro.arch]: [exynos8890]
[ro.astcenc.astcsupport]: [1]
[ro.baseband]: [unknown]
[ro.board.platform]: [exynos5]
[ro.boot.bootloader]: [G930FXXU1DQEY]
[ro.boot.debug_level]: [0x4f4c]
[ro.boot.dram_rev]: [00000000]
[ro.boot.emmc_checksum]: [3]
[ro.boot.fmp_config]: [1]
[ro.boot.hardware]: [samsungexynos8890]
[ro.boot.hmac_mismatch]: [0]
[ro.boot.hw_rev]: [8]
[ro.boot.odin_download]: [1]
[ro.boot.sec_atd.tty]: [/dev/ttySAC4]
[ro.boot.security_mode]: [1526595585]
[ro.boot.selinux]: [enforcing]
[ro.boot.serialno]: [ad06160310a1b0d9c9]
[ro.boot.ucs_mode]: [0]
[ro.boot.warranty_bit]: [0]
[ro.boot_recovery]: [unknown]
[]: [Wed May 31 08:04:19 KST 2017]
[]: [1496185459]
[]: [samsung/heroltexx/herolte:7.0/NRD90M/G930FXXU1DQEY:user/test-keys]
[ro.bootloader]: [G930FXXU1DQEY]
[ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
[]: [/efs/bluetooth/bt_addr]
[]: [G930FXXU1DQEY]
[]: [11104523]
[]: [phone,emulator]
[]: [Wed May 31 08:04:19 KST 2017]
[]: [1496185459]
[]: [heroltexx-user 7.0 NRD90M G930FXXU1DQEY release-keys]
[]: [NRD90M.G930FXXU1DQEY]
[]: [samsung/heroltexx/herolte:7.0/NRD90M/G930FXXU1DQEY:user/release-keys]
[]: [heroltexx-user]
[]: [G930FXXU1DQEY]
[]: [SWDG5218]
[]: [NRD90M]
[]: [true]
[]: [herolte]
[]: [2017A]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[]: [release-keys]
[]: [user]
[]: [dpi]
[]: [REL]
[]: [REL]
[]: [G930FXXU1DQEY]
[]: [0]
[]: [7.0]
[]: [24]
[]: [2017-05-01]
[]: [2402]
[]: [80000]
[ro.carrier]: [unknown]
[ro.chipname]: [exynos8890]
[]: [android-samsung]
[]: [ms-android-samsung-ss]
[]: [7.0_r7]
[ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Morning_Flower.ogg]
[ro.config.dha_cached_max]: [16]
[ro.config.dha_cached_min]: [8]
[ro.config.dha_empty_max]: [32]
[ro.config.dha_empty_min]: [8]
[ro.config.dha_pwhitelist_enable]: [1]
[ro.config.dmverity]: [true]
[ro.config.fall_prevent_enable]: [true]
[ro.config.iccc_version]: [1.0]
[ro.config.kap]: [true]
[ro.config.kap_default_on]: [true]
[ro.config.knox]: [v30]
[ro.config.media_sound]: [Media_preview_Touch_the_light.ogg]
[ro.config.notification_sound]: [Skyline.ogg]
[ro.config.notification_sound_2]: [S_Charming_Bell.ogg]
[ro.config.ringtone]: [Over_the_Horizon.ogg]
[ro.config.ringtone_2]: [Basic_Bell.ogg]
[ro.config.rkp]: [true]
[ro.config.rm_preload_enabled]: [0]
[ro.config.systemaudiodebug]: [arizona]
[ro.config.tima]: [1]
[ro.config.timaversion]: [3.0]
[ro.cp_debug_level]: [unknown]
[ro.crypto.fs_crypto_blkdev]: [/dev/block/dm-1]
[ro.crypto.fuse_sdcard]: [true]
[ro.crypto.state]: [encrypted]
[ro.crypto.type]: [block]
[]: [Russia]
[]: [RU]
[]: [SER]
[ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: [0]
[ro.debug_level]: [0x4f4c]
[ro.debuggable]: [0]
[ro.emmc_checksum]: [3]
[ro.error.receiver.default]: []
[ro.expect.recovery_id]: [0xd62461f9182912f7b60af14325a80b1f7550c60e000000000000000000000000]
[ro.exynos.dss]: [1]
[ro.fmp_config]: [1]
[ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/persistent]
[ro.hardware]: [samsungexynos8890]
[ro.hardware.keystore]: [mdfpp]
[ro.hdcp2.rx]: [tz]
[ro.hmac_mismatch]: [0]
[ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size]: [6]
[ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size]: [2]
[ro.hwui.layer_cache_size]: [58]
[ro.hwui.path_cache_size]: [16]
[ro.hwui.r_buffer_cache_size]: [8]
[ro.hwui.shape_cache_size]: [4]
[ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height]: [2048]
[ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width]: [4096]
[ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height]: [1024]
[ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width]: [1024]
[ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate]: [0.4]
[ro.hwui.texture_cache_size]: [88]
[]: [unknown]
[ro.kernel.qemu]: [0]
[ro.kernel.qemu.gles]: [0]
[ro.knox.enhance.zygote.aslr]: [0]
[ro.mct.compressiontype]: [ETC1]
[]: [unknown]
[]: [1]
[ro.multisim.simslotcount]: [2]
[ro.opengles.version]: [196610]
[]: [unknown]
[ro.product.board]: [universal8890]
[ro.product.brand]: [samsung]
[ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[ro.product.device]: [herolte]
[ro.product.first_api_level]: [23]
[ro.product.locale]: [en-GB]
[ro.product.manufacturer]: [samsung]
[ro.product.model]: [SM-G930F]
[]: [heroltexx]
[ro.product_ship]: [true]
[]: [no]
[ro.revision]: [8]
[]: [10]
[]: [1]
[ro.rtn_config]: [unknown]
[ro.runtime.firstboot]: [1497419514373]
[]: [1]
[]: [true]
[]: [PEARL4.0_01431529]
[]: [per0201exi]
[]: [multi]
[]: [1]
[]: [Enabled]
[]: [3.0]
[]: [2.0.11]
[]: [8.0]
[]: [1.4]
[]: [1]
[]: [1.0]
[ro.security_mode]: [1526595585]
[ro.serialno]: [ad06160310a1b0d9c9]
[ro.setupwizard.mode]: [OPTIONAL]
[ro.sf.init.lcd_density]: [640]
[ro.sf.lcd_density]: [480]
[ro.sku.param.offset]: [unknown]
[]: [unknown]
[ro.supportmodel.mptcp]: [1]
[ro.telephony.default_network]: [9]
[ro.warranty_bit]: [0]
[ro.zygote]: [zygote64_32]
[secmm.player.uhqamode]: [True]
[security.ASKS.policy_version]: [161228]
[security.mdpp]: [Ready]
[security.mdpp.result]: [None]
[security.perf_harden]: [1]
[security.semdaemonfinish]: [1]
[selinux.policy_version]: [SEPF_SECMOBILE_7.0_0006]
[selinux.reload_policy]: [1]
[service.bootanim.exit]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [0]
[]: [1]
[storage.mmc.size]: [31981568000]
[]: [1]
[]: [1]
[sys.bartender.batterystats.ver]: [16]
[sys.boot_completed]: [1]
[sys.cameramode.cam_binning]: [0]
[sys.cameramode.cam_fps]: [-1]
[sys.config.mars_version]: [2.00]
[]: [1]
[sys.dockstate]: [0]
[sys.enterprise.billing.dualsim]: [false]
[sys.enterprise.billing.version]: [1.2.0]
[sys.enterprise.otp.version]: [2.6.0]
[sys.is_members]: [exist]
[sys.isdumpstaterunning]: [0]
[sys.knox.exists]: [0]
[]: [0]
[sys.locksecured]: [false]
[sys.mdniecontrolservice.mscon]: [true]
[sys.oem_unlock_allowed]: [0]
[sys.reset_reason]: [N|RP]
[sys.siop.level]: [0]
[sys.skip_lockscreen]: [0]
[sys.ssrm.mdnie]: [-1]
[sys.sysctl.compact_memory]: [0]
[sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes]: [24300]
[sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd]: [60]
[sys.usb.config]: [mtp,adb]
[sys.usb.state]: [mtp,adb]
[]: [1]
[telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice]: [0]
[vold.crypt.type]: [default]
[vold.decrypt]: [trigger_restart_framework]
[vold.has_adoptable]: [0]
[vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
[vzw.os.rooted]: [false]
[wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
[wlan.driver.status]: [ok]
[wlan.p2p.chkintent]: [8]
[wlan.wfd.status]: [disconnected]

2017-06-14 22:01:50.1650|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.AndroidDevice|Device ad06160310a1b0d9c9 (samsung SM-G930F Android 7.0 (API 24)) is loaded
2017-06-14 22:02:00.8226|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|4-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “version” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:00.8496|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|4-stdout:
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.36
Revision af05c7354fe1-android

2017-06-14 22:02:00.8496|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|4-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:00.8496|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|4-exited: code 0, finished in 31 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.3557|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|5-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\24.0.1\aapt.exe “dump badging native_activity-debug.apk” [E:\GAME\developement\engine_sdk\code\testprj_android\vs2013\native_activity.dir\Debug\bin]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.3787|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|5-stdout:
package: name=‘com.example.native_activity’ versionCode=‘1’ versionName=‘1.0’ platformBuildVersionName=‘4.1.2-1425332’
uses-permission: name=‘android.permission.INTERNET’
uses-permission: name=‘android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES’
application: label=‘’ icon=‘res/mipmap-mdpi-v4/ic_launcher.png’
launchable-activity: name=‘’ label=‘NativeActivity’ icon=‘’
feature-group: label=‘’
uses-feature: name=‘android.hardware.screen.landscape’
uses-implied-feature: name=‘android.hardware.screen.landscape’ reason=‘one or more activities have specified a landscape orientation’
uses-feature: name=‘android.hardware.touchscreen’
uses-implied-feature: name=‘android.hardware.touchscreen’ reason=‘default feature for all apps’
supports-screens: ‘small’ ‘normal’ ‘large’ ‘xlarge’
supports-any-density: ‘true’
densities: ‘160’ ‘240’ ‘320’ ‘480’
native-code: ‘armeabi-v7a’

2017-06-14 22:02:01.3787|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|5-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.3787|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|5-exited: code 0, finished in 31 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.3947|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|6-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell getprop” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.5077|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|6-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.5077|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|6-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.5077|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|6-exited: code 0, finished in 109 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.5187|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|7-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abilist” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.6207|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|7-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.6207|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|7-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.6207|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|7-exited: code 0, finished in 93 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.6407|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|8-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell dumpsys package com.example.native_activity” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.7627|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|8-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.7627|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|8-stdout:
Activity Resolver Table:
Non-Data Actions:
30e0495 com.example.native_activity/ filter 868f16d
Action: “android.intent.action.MAIN”
Category: “android.intent.category.LAUNCHER”

Key Set Manager:
Signing KeySets: 183

Package [com.example.native_activity] (ad7d2e2):
pkg=Package{29b89aa com.example.native_activity}
versionCode=1 minSdk=16 targetSdk=16
applicationInfo=ApplicationInfo{3a7999b com.example.native_activity}
supportsScreens=[small, medium, large, xlarge, resizeable, anyDensity]
timeStamp=2017-06-14 21:51:51
firstInstallTime=2017-06-14 21:51:45
lastUpdateTime=2017-06-14 21:51:52
signatures=PackageSignatures{da43b2e [3448d1e4]}
installPermissionsFixed=true installStatus=1
requested permissions:
install permissions:
android.permission.INTERNET: granted=true
User 0: ceDataInode=588860 installed=true hidden=false suspended=false stopped=false notLaunched=false enabled=0
runtime permissions:
package : smartcallprovider-open-release.apk
package : AndroidPay_erasable_Hero.apk
package : AuthService_v1.apk
package : FidoUafAsm_v15.apk
package : FidoUafClient_v15.apk
package : AxelSpringer.apk
package : SamsungUpdates.apk
package : SecVVM.apk
package : TetheringProvision.apk
package : OMCAgent.apk
package : vsimservice.apk

Dexopt state:
Instruction Set: arm

Package sem_cleanAPKs log:
11-Feb-2017 13:57 installd sem_cleanAPKs start
11-Feb-2017 13:57 installd don’t have sales code path
11-Feb-2017 13:57 installd sem_cleanAPKs end

-------- coreapps list ---------

2017-06-14 22:02:01.7627|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|8-exited: code 0, finished in 125 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.7937|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell su -c id” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-stderr:
/system/bin/sh: su: not found

2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-exited: code 127, finished in 62 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.AndroidDevice|Device ad06160310a1b0d9c9 is not rooted
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell run-as com.example.native_activity id” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.9697|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-stderr:
run-as: Could not set capabilities: Operation not permitted

2017-06-14 22:02:01.9697|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.9697|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-exited: code -1, finished in 125 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.9697|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|11-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell am force-stop com.example.native_activity” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:02.7157|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|11-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:02.7157|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|11-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:02.7157|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|11-exited: code 0, finished in 733 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:02.7157|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|12-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe "-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell am start -D -n com.example.native_activity/ " [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:03.4318|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|12-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:03.4318|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|12-stdout:
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.example.native_activity/ launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } }

2017-06-14 22:02:03.4318|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|12-exited: code 0, finished in 718 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:03.4368|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|13-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell ps” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:03.5438|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|13-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:03.5438|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|13-stdout:
root 1 0 23304 1132 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S /init
root 2 0 0 0 kthreadd 0000000000 S kthreadd
root 3 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/0
root 7 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_preempt
root 8 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_sched
root 9 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_bh
root 10 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/0
root 11 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/0
root 12 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/1
root 13 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/1
root 14 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/1
root 17 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/2
root 18 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/2
root 19 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/2
root 22 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/3
root 23 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/3
root 24 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/3
root 27 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/4
root 28 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/4
root 29 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/4
root 32 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/5
root 33 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/5
root 34 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/5
root 37 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/6
root 38 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/6
root 39 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/6
root 42 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/7
root 43 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/7
root 44 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/7
root 47 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S khelper
root 48 2 0 0 devtmpfsd 0000000000 S kdevtmpfs
root 49 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S netns
root 52 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S perf
root 78 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S exynos_cpu_hotp
root 497 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:2
root 608 2 0 0 watchdog 0000000000 S khungtaskd
root 609 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S writeback
root 612 2 0 0 ksm_scan_t 0000000000 S ksmd
root 613 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S crypto
root 614 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 616 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kblockd
root 654 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi0
root 658 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi1
root 661 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi3
root 665 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi4
root 669 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi8
root 672 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi9
root 704 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/7-max77854-
root 757 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/9-sec-pmic-
root 810 2 0 0 ion_heap_d 0000000000 S ion_noncontig_h
root 826 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S devfreq_wq
root 840 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S cfg80211
root 859 2 0 0 cpufreq_in 0000000000 S cfinteractive
root 861 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S thred-mailbox
root 865 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S mptcp_wq
root 893 2 0 0 kswapd 0000000000 S kswapd0
root 935 2 0 0 fsnotify_m 0000000000 S fsnotify_mark
root 961 2 0 0 ecryptfs_t 0000000000 S ecryptfs-kthrea
u0_a48 1000 3272 2453620 101884 0000000000 R
u0_a18 1018 3272 1860944 86268 0000000000 R
root 1071 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S pcie_wq
root 1092 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:2
root 1147 2 0 0 0000000000 R hwrng
root 1150 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S g3d_dvfs
root 1151 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_job_fault
root 1157 2 0 0 down_inter 0000000000 S coagent1
root 1264 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/6-arizona
root 1275 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/593-sec-nfc
root 1277 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/2-sec-nfc
root 1282 2 0 0 scsi_error 0000000000 S scsi_eh_0
root 1283 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S scsi_tmf_0
root 1318 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S srpmb_wq
root 1389 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/1-abov-touc
root 1401 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/594-sec_ts
root 1412 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/595-SMPL WA
root 1431 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S scaler_fence_wo
root 1434 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S scaler_fence_wo
root 1437 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/334-152e000
root 1442 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S s5p_mfc/watchdo
root 1443 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S s5p_mfc/sched
root 1446 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S m2m1shot2-sched
root 1447 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S m2m1shot2-destr
root 1453 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S sensor_pwr_ctrl
root 1491 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dm_bufio_cache
root 1502 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dw-mci-card
root 1531 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ovr_work
root 1538 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S binder
root 1609 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/599-jig-irq
root 1619 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S max77854-charge
root 1626 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S p9220_workqueue
root 1627 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/601-wpd-det
root 1629 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/602-wpc-irq
root 1633 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S mc_fastcall
root 1647 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/8-hrm_senso
root 1653 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/5-sx9310_ir
root 1656 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bcm4773_wq
u0_a271 1657 3273 1871964 98788 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S com.ubisoft.redlynx.trialsfrontier.ggp
root 1662 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ssp_bbd_on_pack
root 1663 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ssp_bbd_mcu_rea
root 1695 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ssp_debug_wq
root 1709 2 0 0 ssp_sensor 0000000000 S ssp_sensorhub_t
root 1710 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ssp_batch_wq
root 1713 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ssp_motor_wq
root 1714 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S BBD_LHD_KILLER
root 1718 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S vfsspi_debug_wq
root 1721 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S max77854_haptic
root 1736 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S maxdsm_wq
root 1739 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S maxdsm_power_wq
root 1775 2 0 0 lpeff_work 0000000000 D lpeff_worker
root 1776 2 0 0 esa_set_cp 0000000000 S esa-set-cpu-loc
root 1787 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ipv6_addrconf
root 1797 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S hmp_down_compen
root 1818 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dsu_sysfs
root 1820 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S decon_fifo_irq_
root 1821 2 0 0 decon_wait 0000000000 S s3c-fb-vsync
root 1822 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S decon_lpd
root 1834 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S decon0
root 1835 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S decon_esd
root 1848 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S decon1
root 1862 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S decon2
root 1867 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S deferwq
root 1868 2 0 0 exynos_hpg 0000000000 D exynos_hpgov
root 1869 2 0 0 exynos_hpg 0000000000 D exynos_hp
root 1900 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S mtp_read_send
root 1905 2 0 0 sleep_thre 0000000000 S file-storage
root 1919 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S usb_notify
root 1930 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/626-flip_co
root 1934 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/627-certify
root 1967 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S battery
root 1983 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S mc_timer
root 2004 1 10744 1272 poll_sched 0000000000 S /sbin/ueventd
root 2182 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:0H
root 2186 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:2H
u0_a177 2229 3273 1868656 81944 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
system 2242 3272 1849796 78392 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
root 2308 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:2
root 2318 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u16:3
u0_a158 2409 3272 1873688 107384 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
root 2995 1 7820 52 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /sbin/watchdogd
root 3000 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kdmflush
root 3002 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 3003 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kverityd
root 3004 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 3010 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 3018 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/sda15-8
root 3019 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 3022 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/sda3-8
root 3023 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 3025 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/sda13-8
root 3026 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
root 3028 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/sdd1-8
root 3029 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
logd 3031 1 29156 16204 sigsuspend 0000000000 S /system/bin/logd
root 3088 2 0 0 down_inter 0000000000 S dhd_watchdog_th
root 3090 2 0 0 down_inter 0000000000 S dhd_rpm_state_t
root 3094 1 5476 2528 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/debuggerd
root 3095 1 10384 3228 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/debuggerd64
system 3096 1 12276 2148 admin_ioct 0000000000 S /system/bin/mcDriverDaemon
root 3097 1 34968 5672 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/vold
root 3099 2 0 0 irq_bh_wor 0000000000 D tee_irq_bh
root 3100 2 0 0 tee_schedu 0000000000 D tee_scheduler
root 3108 1 6380 392 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S /sbin/healthd
root 3111 1 8972 2600 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S /system/bin/lmkd
system 3112 1 9488 3372 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/servicemanager
system 3113 1 1000388 15384 0000000000 R /system/bin/surfaceflinger
system 3115 1 12336 4388 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/secure_storage_daemon
root 3117 3095 10384 76 skb_recv 0000000000 S debuggerd64:signaller
root 3118 3094 5476 64 skb_recv 0000000000 S debuggerd:signaller
root 3182 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
system 3214 1 8272 1524 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/cs
root 3225 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kdmflush
root 3226 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 3227 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kcryptd_fmp_io
root 3228 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 3231 2 0 0 kjournald2 0000000000 S jbd2/dm-1-8
root 3232 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S ext4-rsv-conver
shell 3241 1 20936 748 poll_sched 0000000000 S /sbin/adbd
audit 3246 1 8204 2232 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/auditd
root 3247 2 0 0 kauditd_th 0000000000 S kauditd
system 3251 1 11796 1448 futex_wait 0000000000 S /system/bin/ss_conn_daemon
system 3252 1 10224 2868 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/edmaudit
system 3253 1 5024 1688 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/ss_kbservice_daemon
drm 3254 1 28496 7216 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/drmserver
jack 3257 1 8052 1740 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/apaservice
jack 3258 1 13592 4288 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/jackservice
system 3260 1 17796 4092 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/sensorhubservice
system 3261 1 30372 5804 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/bintvoutservice
system 3262 1 54652 5276 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/imsd
system 3263 1 5112 356 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/argosd
system 3264 1 7736 1848 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/sh
radio 3265 1 7088 144 poll_sched 0000000000 S /sbin/cbd
system 3266 1 16968 1400 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/diagexe
system 3267 1 13164 1508 skb_recv 0000000000 S /system/bin/ddexe
system 3268 1 16700 3860 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/smdexe
system 3269 1 12588 3576 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/connfwexe
gps 3270 1 15296 4668 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/lhd
gps 3271 1 43476 9096 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/gpsd
root 3272 1 2302244 78480 poll_sched 0000000000 S zygote64
root 3273 1 1716752 52152 poll_sched 0000000000 S zygote
system 3275 1 15308 4000 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/sdp_cryptod
audioserver 3280 1 89652 12308 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/audioserver
cameraserver 3281 1 143832 11884 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/cameraserver
radio 3282 1 39216 7912 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/rild
root 3291 1 20932 6076 unix_strea 0000000000 S /system/bin/installd
keystore 3292 1 13940 4456 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/keystore
mediacodec 3293 1 21652 7360 binder_thr 0000000000 S media.codec
media 3294 1 27940 6888 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/mediadrmserver
mediaex 3297 1 49628 9704 binder_thr 0000000000 S media.extractor
media 3298 1 143368 14944 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/mediaserver
root 3299 1 49308 5028 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/netd
system 3302 1 38892 4260 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/fingerprintd
radio 3303 1 14308 3472 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/at_distributor
system 3304 1 12660 3892 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/gatekeeperd
jack 3318 3258 7532 2168 binder_thr 0000000000 S androidshmservice
radio 3327 1 39248 6152 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/rild
root 3661 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:2
system 3724 3272 3065828 271944 0000000000 R system_server
root 3875 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 3876 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 3877 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 3878 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 3879 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
system 3910 1 15816 3920 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/tlc_server
system 3911 1 15776 3864 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/tlc_server
system 3941 1 13816 2848 binder_thr 0000000000 S /system/bin/otp_server
system 4030 3272 1866716 84424 0000000000 R
radio 4067 3272 2144352 110496 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
bluetooth 4080 3273 1299824 47656 0000000000 R
u0_a61 4093 3272 3725800 195376 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
media_rw 4105 3097 8760 1504 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/sdcard
root 4109 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 4110 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 4114 2 0 0 inotify_re 0000000000 S pkgld
root 4166 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S dhd_eventd
wifi 4172 1 15140 5648 poll_sched 0000000000 S /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
system 4353 3272 1866560 73020 0000000000 R com.sec.epdg
system 4386 3272 1925372 79916 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S com.sec.imsservice
root 4511 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
nsflp 4526 3272 1853084 73868 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S com.sec.location.nsflp2
system 4559 3272 1850600 64668 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S com.sec.sve
system 4731 1 30784 3580 do_sigtime 0000000000 S /system/bin/eris
u0_a182 4758 3272 1851364 66880 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
system 4763 1 7928 2248 hrtimer_na 0000000000 S /system/bin/iod
u0_a18 4807 3272 2077388 148028 0000000000 R
u0_a67 4820 3272 2446152 72580 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
nfc 4833 3272 1866464 86464 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
u0_a6 4844 3272 1858372 81972 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a72 4853 3272 1848704 61048 binder_thr 0000000000 D system
u0_a67 4888 3272 2652520 132080 0000000000 R
u0_a61 4959 3272 2384828 74756 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
spay 4965 3272 1887804 73116 binder_thr 0000000000 D
u0_a140 4983 3272 2819368 139928 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a64 5026 3272 2945280 129396 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
u0_a3 5042 3272 2405172 83680 0000000000 R android.process.acore
u0_a148 5101 3272 1850040 68944 binder_thr 0000000000 D org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service:remote
root 5219 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:0
root 5269 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/464-14c2000
root 5270 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/467-14c5000
u0_a18 5292 3272 3272788 182388 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 5307 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:2H
root 5325 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:1H
root 5373 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 5504 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:0
root 5523 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:2
root 5601 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:5
u0_a246 5606 3272 2558748 93028 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a240 5691 3272 2056580 107700 0000000000 R
root 5756 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
u0_a47 5811 3272 1879004 90684 binder_thr 0000000000 D
system 6064 3272 1865908 85156 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a232 6291 3273 2089676 74356 0000000000 R com.viber.voip
system 6404 3272 1849776 81048 0000000000 R com.trustonic.tuiservice
spass 6423 3272 1866932 89456 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a161 6443 3273 1346464 119464 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S com.whatsapp
root 6454 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 6504 2 0 0 mcp_sessio 0000000000 S dci_thread
system 6602 3272 1850000 81388 binder_ioc 0000000000 D com.sec.bcservice
radio 6617 3272 1851284 81204 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a239 6638 3273 1404224 90736 binder_ioc 0000000000 D com.promt.pmtappfree
root 6743 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:0H
root 6821 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u16:1
root 6822 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:1
root 6828 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:0
root 6829 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u16:5
root 6900 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:1
root 7033 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:0
u0_a39 7194 3273 1870220 113600 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 7214 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:1
root 7215 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:0H
u0_a13 7239 3272 2399640 103864 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 7262 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:2H
u0_a104 7273 3272 1850336 82088 0000000000 R
u0_a0 7292 3272 2578544 126468 0000000000 R
u0_a241 7413 3273 1451612 113524 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a274 7428 3273 1309260 107240 0000000000 R
u0_a241 7469 3273 1442992 102188 0000000000 R
root 7502 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:1
u0_a274 7617 3273 1322496 108156 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a28 7734 3272 1850376 62532 0000000000 R
root 8094 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:2H
root 8136 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:0
u0_a128 8268 3272 2430104 130848 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
u0_a90 8458 3272 1853880 88888 0000000000 R
u0_a205 8473 3272 1877324 94856 0000000000 R
msgcom 8495 3272 1863164 99260 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
enhanced_features 8509 3272 1877580 111700 0000000000 R
u0_a157 8544 3272 1866564 89860 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
cmhservice 8566 3272 2395928 103880 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
cmhservice 8592 3272 1851816 84392 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a184 8615 3272 1867972 102816 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
cmhservice 8627 3272 2377736 86280 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 8632 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
cmhservice 8663 3272 1850668 85696 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
u0_a35 8706 3272 2484544 135780 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
bcmgr 8742 3272 1854444 67036 SyS_epoll
0000000000 S
system 8744 3272 1850648 84232 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 8821 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u16:6
system 8837 3272 1859020 98784 0000000000 R com.policydm
u0_a134 8850 3272 1848868 87584 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a140 8891 3272 2431104 106396 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
u0_a48 8934 3272 2452980 120304 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a2 8962 3272 1849832 87280 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a203 9030 3273 1863932 63980 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 9149 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:1H
root 9152 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0H
root 9157 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:1
root 9165 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:1H
root 9192 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:1H
root 9318 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:1H
u0_a97 9347 3273 1309408 106784 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
root 9365 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:1H
u0_a256 9384 3273 1285452 87720 binder_ioc 0000000000 D com.glu.deerhunt2
root 9409 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:1
root 9434 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:3H
system 9456 3272 1848984 82692 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
system 9471 3272 1870088 97552 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
root 9484 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:3
root 9505 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:0H
root 9518 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:1
root 9519 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:6
root 9520 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:7
root 9521 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:0
u0_a69 9522 3273 1864744 160860 binder_thr 0000000000 S
root 9535 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:0
root 9540 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:9
root 9546 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 9583 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:2H
root 9629 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/3:0
u0_a35 9654 3272 2516808 116660 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 9672 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0
root 9679 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:0H
root 9684 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:1H
root 9689 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:2H
root 9692 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:0H
u0_a283 9730 3273 1788512 32212 binder_thr 0000000000 S
shell 9744 3241 9580 2536 0 7747ec8568 R ps
u0_a38 10671 3272 1866436 81532 binder_ioc 0000000000 D com.sec.spp.push
u0_a25 11596 3272 1851744 66108 0000000000 R
root 11973 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 12566 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S intr_syncd
u0_a31 13625 3272 2059784 106144 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
u0_a3 14034 3272 2423928 72232 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a185 14059 3272 2422472 79588 0000000000 R
u0_a133 15852 3273 2169448 102716 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
u0_a38 15877 3272 1867620 79640 0000000000 R com.sec.spp.push:RemoteDlcProcess
root 15922 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
u0_a133 15948 3273 1931732 101452 0000000000 R
root 16025 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 23800 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:2H
u0_a234 23972 3273 2374080 147052 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 24050 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
system 26467 3272 1905528 69536 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 26468 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:1
root 26470 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:4
root 27472 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:8
u0_i8 27970 3273 2267052 63000 binder_ioc 0000000000 D
root 28330 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/4:2
root 30144 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/5:2
root 30397 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u16:2
root 30404 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kbase_event
root 32209 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:0H
root 32374 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:1H
root 32398 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/7:1
root 32711 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u17:2

2017-06-14 22:02:03.5468|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|13-exited: code 0, finished in 110 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:04.0598|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|14-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell ps” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:04.1478|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|14-stderr:

2017-06-14 22:02:04.1478|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|14-stdout:
root 1 0 23304 1132 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S /init
root 2 0 0 0 kthreadd 0000000000 S kthreadd
root 3 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/0
root 7 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_preempt
root 8 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_sched
root 9 2 0 0 rcu_gp_kth 0000000000 S rcu_bh
root 10 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/0
root 11 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/0
root 12 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/1
root 13 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/1
root 14 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/1
root 17 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/2
root 18 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/2
root 19 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/2
root 22 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/3
root 23 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/3
root 24 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/3
root 27 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/4
root 28 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/4
root 29 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/4
root 32 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/5
root 33 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/5
root 34 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/5
root 37 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/6
root 38 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/6
root 39 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/6
root 42 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S watchdog/7
root 43 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S migration/7
root 44 2 0 0 smpboot_th 0000000000 S ksoftirqd/7
root 47 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S khelper
root 48 2 0 0 devtmpfsd 0000000000 S kdevtmpfs
root 49 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S netns
root 52 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S perf
root 78 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S exynos_cpu_hotp
root 497 2 0 0 worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/6:2
root 608 2 0 0 watchdog 0000000000 S khungtaskd
root 609 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S writeback
root 612 2 0 0 ksm_scan_t 0000000000 S ksmd
root 613 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S crypto
root 614 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S bioset
root 616 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S kblockd
root 654 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi0
root 658 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi1
root 661 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi3
root 665 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi4
root 669 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi8
root 672 2 0 0 kthread_wo 0000000000 S spi9
root 704 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/7-max77854-
root 757 2 0 0 irq_thread 0000000000 S irq/9-sec-pmic-
root 810 2 0 0 ion_heap_d 0000000000 S ion_noncontig_h
root 826 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S devfreq_wq
root 840 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S cfg80211
root 859 2 0 0 cpufreq_in 0000000000 S cfinteractive
root 861 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S thred-mailbox
root 865 2 0 0 rescuer_th 0000000000 S mptcp_wq
root 893 2 0 0 kswapd 0000000000 S kswapd0
root 935 2 0 0 fsnotify_m 0000000000 S fsnotify_mark
root 961 2 0 0 ecryptfs_t 0000000000 S ecryptfs-kthrea
u0_a48 1000 3272 2453620 101872 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
u0_a18 1018

hi Andreyp,

From the log, “su” and “run-as” don’t work on your devices. Nsight Tegra depends on these to start gdbserver. You have to ask support from device vendor.

2017-06-14 22:02:01.7937|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell su -c id” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-stderr:
/system/bin/sh: su: not found

2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-stdout:

2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|9-exited: code 127, finished in 62 ms
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Target.Android.AndroidDevice|Device ad06160310a1b0d9c9 is not rooted
2017-06-14 22:02:01.8547|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-launch: C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe “-s ad06160310a1b0d9c9 shell run-as com.example.native_activity id” [C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools]
2017-06-14 22:02:01.9697|INFO|Nvidia.PentaK.Utilities.RedirProcess|10-stderr:
run-as: Could not set capabilities: Operation not permitted


Quick side-note, I know some Galaxy S6’s have an issue with the OTA disabling the run-as permissions on accident. You seem to have an S7, so perhaps this is a different issue, but if you CAN root your phone, I’m told a more recent update should fix it.
