JetPack 3.0 stucked while installing

I’m trying to use JetPack 3.0 to set up a new TX2 device. I followed the steps on the documentation and successfully downloaded all the packages needed(cuda, cudnn etc.). However, the installation process get stucked later after:

“Get: 33 xenial-security/multiverse DEP-11 64x64 Icons [29B]”

then it stopped at “0% [Working]” and just never goes on.

I am able to access the TX2 through local network and the TX2 is also able to access the network. I’ve tried to reboot the device and reinstall the packages but the issue raised up everytime.

Can anyone help me with this problem?

problem solved. when i tried “sudo apt-get update” on the TX2, the same problem show up, it seems that some of the default origin are invalid.