How to run sample code using my trained data(custom.caffemodel&custom.prototxt) on Host PC?

I got a below error, when i tried to run sample code (sample_obect_detector) using my customed data(caffemodel, prototxt) on Host PC

“Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT: blobIndex is larger than output binding count”

In my case, I did test like below
At first, create bin file using tensorRT_optimization
and then, run
./sample_object_detector --video=/home/ubuntu/works/TestMedia/test.h264 --tensorRT_model=/usr/local/driveworks-0.3/tools/optimized.bin

Does anyone have any clues how to solve such issues?

Dear bgk,

The DW samples should be run on DPX2 not HostPC. Thanks.

Dear SteveNV

I tried to run the DW samples(include “sample_object_detector”) on DPX2.
However, I got a same error message

“Driveworks exception thrown: DW_INVALID_ARGUMENT: blobIndex is larger than output binding count”

How to solve this error?

Dear bgk,

Could you let me know your using command to run the sample?
-. If you use your own video file, please check the video file information like resolution(1280x800), format, display aspect ration, color space, etc. Please refer to our sample file in /usr/local/driveworks/data/samples/sfm/triangulation/video_0.h264