Debugger fails to enter kernel level

I’m trying to debug a kernel, but every time the debugger reaches kernel level I get an error:
"Can’t find a source file at “/tmp/tmpxft_00004c0c_00000000-4_cudaSiftH.cudafe1.stub.c
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.”

I have enabled the --keep flag but still the problem persists. In eclipse I can see the .stub.c file in project binary but its empty and even after linking the file using “Locate File” i still get the error. Below is a screenshot of the error screen.


Hi, ijlalbaig92

Is this kernel implemented by you or called just the interface ?

I think if the kernel is only interface public, then it is reasonable that you can’t see the implementation.

I wrote the kernel myself. I messed around with the debugger a lot and now it is working fine. Thanks