How do you create a new Optix project from scratch?

Dear developers:

I am new to Optix and have gone through the Documentation and quickstart guide already. I am trying to setup my on project with VS2017 on Windows right now but I found there is not much information about this. The starter guide just explains some functions and is not really about how to setup a project(i.e. How to create a new project in VS; what libraries do we need to include, etc.) Any suggestions about how I should start with the project?

Thank you very much.

Hi yum108,

I usually directly go to Optix SDK samples, which have CMake configs (cmakelists.txt) and are able to generate VS2017 projects for us. Then I can quickly play with Optix instead of being bored by project setups.

After knowing more about Optix, I go back to the project settings, as that time I know more about the organization of a Optix project, such as how PTX are generated and used. Then I try to slowly change these SDK sample settings such as replacing kernels and adding new files.

Of course we can also directly go to CMake configs to find out how they should be setup. It is actually not very complex and more readable than its generated VS2017 project files.

