How to enable Wi-Fi and BT on the TX2.

Hi All,

I want to know how to enable Wi-Fi and BT on the TX2.

Wi-Fi and Blue-Tooth are looks like not working well.

Please give me your help.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Hi nwlee,

The default Wi-Fi is enabled on TX2.
Are you want to enable Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi AP mode?

The BT you can enable from: System Settings → Bluetooth → Turn on Bluetooth.

If you want to use Wi-Fi AP mode you may use the hotspot as defined:
Otherwise you may execute

rfkill list

to see additional info.

0: bluedroid_pm: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
2: brcmfmac-wifi: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
