How to set Power Management Mode Automatically


Apologies if this isn’t the right place, but I am looking for a way to set the setting in
“NVidia Control Panel” → “3D Settings” → “Manage 3D Settings” → “Global Settings” → “Power Management Mode”
to “Prefer Maximum Performance”

I have found an old documentation page from 2003 talking about using NvCpl.dll and the function “nvSetPwrMzrLevel” but I cannot seem to get this to work, I suspect it’s been updated/changed since then?

We have a teaching cluster of around 500 machines with half-height GTX1050s in for teaching, and they are dipping into ‘low power’ mode when doing non-intensive processing, causing the screens to flicker when small tasks such as java-script in a browser or YouTube videos. Not really feasible for us to manually go around setting this, so really hoping there’s an answer out there!

Thanks in advance


In the doc there is PREFERRED_PSTATE_PREFER_MAX : NVAPI Reference Documentation

and here is the way to ask to change the setting to PREFERRED_PSTATE_PREFER_MAX : attract/nvapi.hpp at 2060fd983bed5c54df9b14646e4c84de337b740c · mickelson/attract · GitHub