Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD driver 396.18 (beta)

Release highlights since 390.48:

  • Added support for the following GPUs:
    • Quadro P3200
    • Quadro P4200
  • Updated the SLI Mosaic configuration page in nvidia-settings to make more layout configurations available, including configurations that do not utilize all of the available displays.
  • Added reporting of EGL information to nvidia-settings.
  • Added support for a new Vulkan SPIR-V compiler which reduces shader compilation time and shader system memory consumption.

    A new environment variable can be used to enable (1) (default) or disable (0) the new compiler if errors in existing applications are found:


    The following application profile setting with the same definition is also available:

      { "pattern" : [], "profile" : [ "NextGenCompiler", <int> ] }

    The old compiler is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • Updated nvidia-installer to recognize partial libglvnd installations which are missing only optional libraries. This allows the installer to continue installation by default when libglvnd is installed without, as is frequently the case with distribution-provided libglvnd installations.
  • Improved performance of the following Vulkan APIs: * vkAllocateMemory() * vkBindBufferMemory() * vkBindImageMemory()
  • Fixed a bug that caused the NV_CTRL_STEREO_SWAP_MODE setting for quad-buffered stereo visuals to not be preserved across modesets or VT switches.
  • Added a new global X configuration option "AllowExternalGpus", which defaults to disabled, but can be enabled to allow eGPUs and other surprise-removable GPUs to be configured with X screens.
  • Improved to check for kern.log which is the default kernel log-file location for many Debian-based Linux distributions.

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