__synchthreads()/race condition?

I am using CUDA 9.1 with VS2015 on a Win10 machine using C++.

I am doing something that I thought would be simple but am stuck on it.

I have a function that takes in a listing of pixel points, tests to see if three points are in a line and, if so, marks the middle point invalid. The function later compresses the points list so that all the valid points are next to each other, records which points are to the left and right of each point, and updates the total number of valid points. The idea is to keep doing this until there are no more points left to invalidate.

One issue is that the number of points may be several multiples of the number of threads for each block (512). Thus, I have a variable (cyclecount) that can increment and the multiple of that used to index into the points list.

All of that is the set up for my problem. I am seeing weird crashes when I try and initialize the cyclecount (line 49 iin the listing below). I am using __synchthreads inside conditionals but only in ways that all the threads should reach the same point. When I include the cyclecount initialization, we crash. When I leave it out, it runs fine but will not go through the loop more than once.

Any help understanding what the problem is appreciated.

My code is as follows:

__global__ void gpuStripper(int numContours, int *onumElements, int *ocumElements, bool *oValidCont, int *oxvals, int *oyvals, unsigned int*oContNum, unsigned int*opointnum, int *osnumElements, int *sxvals, int *syvals, unsigned int*oleftNeighborNum, unsigned int*orightNeighborNum, bool *svalid)
	// this function strips points that are colinear with their surrounding points
	// if a point is colinear, it is marked invalid
	// then valid points are compressed against each other by moving the x and y points and also moving the valid indication
	// the function updates the scrubbed number of elements count - snumelements
	// the function closes by correcting the left and right neighbor references

	__shared__ int tnumElements;
	__shared__ int tocumElements;
	__shared__ int cyclecount;
	__shared__ bool globalend;
	__shared__ bool compressorend;

	int tidx;

	int offset = 0;
	int s1, s2;
	int top, bottom;
	float tresult;

	tidx = threadIdx.x;

	if (tidx == 0)
		tnumElements = onumElements[blockIdx.x];
		tocumElements = ocumElements[blockIdx.x];
		cyclecount = 0;
		globalend = false;
		compressorend = false;

	// look for collinear points and delete them - same as OpenCV CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
	// check here for numbers less than 3

	if (tnumElements > DCE_MIN_POINTS)
		while (!globalend)
			if (tidx == 0)
				globalend = true;
				compressorend = false;
				cyclecount = 0;  // INCLUDING THIS LINE CAUSES A CRASH

			while ((cyclecount*DCE_THREADS_PER_BLOCK) < tnumElements)
				offset = tidx + (cyclecount*DCE_THREADS_PER_BLOCK);
				if (offset < tnumElements)
					// note: we are not looking at the colinearity of the first or last element
					if ((offset > 0) && (offset < tnumElements - 2))
							// simple check of contiguous XY values					
							if ((sxvals[offset + tocumElements - 1] == sxvals[offset + tocumElements]) && (sxvals[offset + tocumElements + 1] == sxvals[offset + tocumElements]))
								svalid[offset + tocumElements] = false;
								globalend = false;
							else if ((syvals[offset + tocumElements - 1] == syvals[offset + tocumElements]) && (syvals[offset + tocumElements + 1] == syvals[offset + tocumElements]))
								svalid[offset + tocumElements] = false;
								globalend = false;
								// consider adding a tolerance factor here
								if ((syvals[offset + tocumElements] - syvals[offset + tocumElements - 1]) * (sxvals[offset + tocumElements + 1] - sxvals[offset + tocumElements]) == (syvals[offset + tocumElements + 1] - syvals[offset + tocumElements]) * (sxvals[offset + tocumElements] - sxvals[offset + tocumElements] - 1))
									svalid[offset + tocumElements] = false;
									globalend = false;
				if (tidx == 0)


		if (tidx == 0)
			// this is a double loop that should only go through things once
			compressorend = false;
			top = 0;
			for (int x = 0; x < tnumElements - 1; x++)
				if ((!svalid[x + tocumElements]) && (!compressorend))
					compressorend = true;
					if (top <= x)
						top = x + 1;

					for (int y = top; y < tnumElements; y++)
						if (svalid[y + tocumElements])
							sxvals[x + tocumElements] = sxvals[y + tocumElements];
							syvals[x + tocumElements] = syvals[y + tocumElements];
							opointnum[x + tocumElements] = opointnum[y + tocumElements];
							svalid[x + tocumElements] = true;
							svalid[y + tocumElements] = false;
							top = y;
							compressorend = false;
				else if (compressorend)
					x = tnumElements;
		// update the number of elements for the contour

		if (tidx == 0)
			// this is a binary search
			top = tnumElements-1;
			bottom = 0;

			while ((top != bottom) && (top > bottom))
				if (!svalid[((top + bottom) / 2) + tocumElements])
					top = ((top + bottom) / 2) - 1;
					bottom = ((top + bottom) / 2) + 1;
			osnumElements[blockIdx.x] = top + 1;

		// fix the left and right neighbor references
		if (tidx == 0)
			cyclecount = 0;


		while ((cyclecount*DCE_THREADS_PER_BLOCK) < tnumElements)
			offset = tidx + (cyclecount*DCE_THREADS_PER_BLOCK);
			if ((offset > 0) && (offset < (osnumElements[blockIdx.x] - 1)))
				oleftNeighborNum[offset + tocumElements] = offset - 1;
				orightNeighborNum[offset + tocumElements] = offset + 1;
			if (tidx == 0)

		// correct the first and last elements
		if (tidx == 0)
			// first element
			oleftNeighborNum[tocumElements] = osnumElements[blockIdx.x] - 1;
			orightNeighborNum[tocumElements] = 1;

			// last element
			oleftNeighborNum[osnumElements[blockIdx.x] - 1 + tocumElements] = osnumElements[blockIdx.x] - 2;
			orightNeighborNum[osnumElements[blockIdx.x] - 1 + tocumElements] = 0;
  1. crash is not a very descriptive term.

The machine reboots?
The program stops and returns to the command prompt?
A specific error is thrown?
The display flashes and then recovers?

  1. when asking questions like this, I think you’re more likely to get useful help by providing a short , complete (emphasis on complete) example that someone else could run and see the issue. There are various debugging tools and methodologies that may quickly shed light on the problem.

  2. any time you are having trouble with a CUDA code, I recommend proper CUDA error checking.

  3. on windows, I always recommend that folks check the WDDM TDR system, to make sure the problem they are running into is not just a WDDM TDR timeout.

  4. for crashes that are due to a kernel execution failure, I recommend following the procedure outlined here:

[url]cuda - Unspecified launch failure on Memcpy - Stack Overflow

to localize the problem to a specific line of code (briefly: make sure your program is compiled with -lineinfo switch, or in debug project, then run your program executable from a command prompt with the cuda-memcheck tool). If you still need help at that point, provide the full cuda-memcheck output along with your code and line numbers, and people will probably be able to give you fairly focused debugging advice.