ERROR: UFFParser: Parser error: sub: Invalid scale mode, nbWeights: 3

get a problem…

After I convert a tensorflow pb file to uff file, then I want to use trt C++ API to create a engine with this uff file. But it shows error:

ERROR: UFFParser: Parser error: sub: Invalid scale mode, nbWeights: 3
ERROR: tensorrtNet: Fail to parse

how to fix it? here is a similar problem, but it does not get resolved.

tensorrt5.0.2.6 source code
nvidia GPU p40

Can you share the code and .pb file with us so we can take a look at what’s going on? DM me directly if you don’t want to post it to the forum.

@KevinSchlichter I send a Private Message to you. Please check it.

@KevinSchlichter After I remove reshape op, it works. thank you

Hi. I am encountering similar problem. Could you please tell me how to fix it?
Specifically, my operation is

residuals = feature_map - clusters

, where clusters is a constant with shape[1, 1, 32, C] and feature_map is with shape[1, n, 1, C]