Cuda Memory Error when enabling the DLA

Hey All,

When I try to build a trt plan with a max batchsize greater than 2 I get no errors but when I try to run it I get this one

dla/nvmRegion.cpp:474: nvinfer1::rt::dla::NvmItem::~NvmItem(): Assertion `!mCudaMemory || !mNvmTensor' failed.

Here’s my code for enabling the dla, which is pretty standard.



I also get a bunch of these errors earlier on in my execution program

dla/dlaUtils.cpp (536) - DLA Error in submit: 7 (Failure to submit program to DLA engine.)
dla/dlaUtils.cpp (536) - DLA Error in submit: 7 (Failure to submit program to DLA engine.)
NVMEDIA_DLA : 1098, ERROR: setInputTensorDesc failed 
NVMEDIA_DLA : 1194, ERROR: SetInputTensorDesc failed for tensor: 7. status: 0x0.

which makes it look like I can’t submit my input tensor to the DLA, thoughts on why this is happening? and only for Batchsize > 2?


May I know which TensorRT version do you use first?

Hey Aasta,

its TensorRT with Cuda-10.0


There is a similar bug and is fixed last year.
Would you mind to reflash your device with JetPack4.2, which will give you TensorRT5.0.6.3.


Hey Aasta

I just reflashed Friday, so I’ll give it a gander and let you know if that solved it.


Hey Aasta,

I just checked and I can confirm that the problem still exists with JetPack4.2 and TensorRT Thoughts on how to fix this then?

Additional Info: I am running both the DLA and GPU together, as GPU fallback is on and the DLA doesn’t work on all the layers, Current Model is Vgg_16 from the TensorFlow slim model zoo, however I have noticed this problem on Inception_v1, and Resnet_v1_50 both also from the TensorFlow slim model zoo. It only occurs when trying to trying to run a TensorRT plan with a max batchsize > 1, regardless if the batchsize during runtime is greater than 1 or not.


Do you have a sample can help us reproduce this issue?
We want to forward this to our internal team to get some further suggestion.


Hey Aasta,

Ive been using this github repo: with edits made to the uff_to_plan.cpp file as below:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>

#include <NvInfer.h>
#include <NvUffParser.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace nvinfer1;
using namespace nvuffparser;

class Logger : public ILogger
  void log(Severity severity, const char * msg) override
      cout << msg << endl;
} gLogger;

int toInteger(string value)
  int valueInteger;
  stringstream ss;
  ss << value;
  ss >> valueInteger;
  return valueInteger;

DataType toDataType(string value)
  if (value == "float")
    return DataType::kFLOAT;
  else if (value == "half")
    return DataType::kHALF;
    throw runtime_error("Unsupported data type");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 10)
    cout << "Usage: <uff_filename> <plan_filename> <input_name> <input_height> <input_width>"
      << " <output_name> <max_batch_size> <max_workspace_size> <data_type>\n";
    return 1;

  /* parse command line arguments */
  string uffFilename = argv[1];
  string planFilename = argv[2];
  string inputName = argv[3];
  int inputHeight = toInteger(argv[4]);
  int inputWidth = toInteger(argv[5]);
  string outputName = argv[6];
  int maxBatchSize = toInteger(argv[7]);
  int maxWorkspaceSize = toInteger(argv[8]);
  DataType dataType = toDataType(argv[9]);

  /* parse uff */
  IBuilder *builder = createInferBuilder(gLogger);
  INetworkDefinition *network = builder->createNetwork();
  IUffParser *parser = createUffParser();
  parser->registerInput(inputName.c_str(), DimsCHW(3, inputHeight, inputWidth), UffInputOrder::kNCHW);
  if (!parser->parse(uffFilename.c_str(), *network, dataType))
    cout << "Failed to parse UFF\n";
    return 1;

  /* build engine */
  if (dataType == DataType::kHALF)

  ICudaEngine *engine = builder->buildCudaEngine(*network);

/* serialize engine and write to file */
  ofstream planFile;;
  IHostMemory *serializedEngine = engine->serialize();
  planFile.write((char *)serializedEngine->data(), serializedEngine->size());
  /* break down */

  return 0;

And edits made to the file as below:

 * Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
 * Full license terms provided in file.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <fstream>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <NvInfer.h>

#define MS_PER_SEC 1000.0

using namespace std;
using namespace nvinfer1;

class TestConfig;

typedef void (*preprocess_fn_t)(float *input, size_t channels, size_t height, size_t width, int batchsize);
void preprocessVgg(float *input, size_t channels, size_t height, size_t width, int batchsize);
void preprocessInception(float *input, size_t channels, size_t height, size_t width, int batchsize);
size_t argmax(float *input, size_t numel, int batchsize);
void test(const TestConfig &testConfig);

class TestConfig
  string imagePath;
  string planPath;
  string inputNodeName;
  string outputNodeName;
  string preprocessFnName;
  string inputHeight;
  string inputWidth;
  string numOutputCategories;
  string dataType;
  string maxBatchSize;
  string workspaceSize;
  string numRuns;
  string useMappedMemory;
  string statsPath;

  TestConfig(int argc, char * argv[])
    imagePath = argv[1];
    planPath = argv[2];
    inputNodeName = argv[3];
    inputHeight = argv[4];
    inputWidth = argv[5];
    outputNodeName = argv[6];
    numOutputCategories = argv[7];
    preprocessFnName = argv[8];
    numRuns = argv[9];
    dataType = argv[10];
    maxBatchSize = argv[11];
    workspaceSize = argv[12];
    useMappedMemory = argv[13];
    statsPath = argv[14];
	//imagePath = "/home/nrwv46/ml_sandbox/data/newfie0.JPEG";

  static string UsageString()
    string s = "";
    s += "imagePath: \n";
    s += "planPath: \n";
    s += "inputNodeName: \n";
    s += "inputHeight: \n";
    s += "inputWidth: \n";
    s += "outputNodeName: \n";
    s += "numOutputCategories: \n";
    s += "preprocessFnName: \n";
    s += "numRuns: \n";
    s += "dataType: \n";
    s += "maxBatchSize: \n";
    s += "workspaceSize: \n";
    s += "useMappedMemory: \n";
    s += "statsPath: \n";
    return s;


  string ToString()
    string s = "";
    s += "imagePath: " + imagePath + "\n";
    s += "planPath: " + planPath + "\n";
    s += "inputNodeName: " + inputNodeName + "\n";
    s += "inputHeight: " + inputHeight + "\n";
    s += "inputWidth: " + inputWidth + "\n";
    s += "outputNodeName: " + outputNodeName + "\n";
    s += "numOutputCategories: " + numOutputCategories + "\n";
    s += "preprocessFnName: " + preprocessFnName + "\n";
    s += "numRuns: " + numRuns + "\n";
    s += "dataType: " + dataType + "\n";
    s += "maxBatchSize: " + maxBatchSize + "\n";
    s += "workspaceSize: " + workspaceSize + "\n";
    s += "useMappedMemory: " + useMappedMemory + "\n";
    s += "statsPath: " + statsPath + "\n";
    return s;

  static int ToInteger(string value)
    int valueInt;
    stringstream ss;
    ss << value;
    ss >> valueInt;
    return valueInt;

  preprocess_fn_t PreprocessFn() const {
    if (preprocessFnName == "preprocess_vgg")
       return preprocessVgg;
    else if (preprocessFnName == "preprocess_inception")
       return preprocessInception;
       throw runtime_error("Invalid preprocessing function name.");

  int InputWidth() const { return ToInteger(inputWidth); }
  int InputHeight() const { return ToInteger(inputHeight); }
  int NumOutputCategories() const { return ToInteger(numOutputCategories); }

  nvinfer1::DataType DataType() const {
    if (dataType == "float")
      return nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT;
    else if (dataType == "half")
      return nvinfer1::DataType::kHALF;
      throw runtime_error("Invalid data type.");

  int MaxBatchSize() const { return ToInteger(maxBatchSize); }
  int WorkspaceSize() const { return ToInteger(workspaceSize); }
  int NumRuns() const { return ToInteger(numRuns); }
  int UseMappedMemory() const { return ToInteger(useMappedMemory); }

class Logger : public ILogger
  void log(Severity severity, const char * msg) override
      cout << msg << endl;
} gLogger;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

  //if (argc != 15)
  //  cout << TestConfig::UsageString() << endl;
  //  return 0;
 // }

  TestConfig testConfig(argc, argv);
  cout << "\ntestConfig: \n" << testConfig.ToString() << endl;


  return 0;

void preprocessVgg(float * tensor, size_t channels, size_t height, size_t width, int batchsize)
  const size_t strides[3] = { height * width, width, 1 };
  const float mean[3] = { 123.68, 116.78, 103.94 };

 for (int h  = 1; h < batchsize + 1; h++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
          for (int k = 0; k < channels; k++)
            const size_t offset = h * (k * strides[0] + i * strides[1] + j * strides[2]);
            tensor[offset] -= mean[k];

void preprocessInception(float * tensor, size_t channels, size_t height, size_t width, int batchsize)
  const size_t numel = channels * height * width;
  for (int i = 0; i < numel; i++)
    tensor[i] = 2.0 * (tensor[i] / 255.0 - 0.5);

size_t argmax(float * tensor, size_t numel, int batchsize)

if (numel <= 0)
    return 0;
  size_t maxIndex = 0;
  float max = tensor[0];
  for (int j = 1; j < batchsize+1; j++) {
	  vector <float> top_five;
	  for (int i = 0 + ((j-1)* numel) ; i < j * numel; i++)

		if (tensor[i] > max)
		  maxIndex = i;
		  max = tensor[i];
		cout << "val: " << tensor[i] <<" : " <<i << endl;

	  sort(top_five.begin(), top_five.end());
	  reverse(top_five.begin(), top_five.end());
	  cout << "\nClass value for Batch: " <<j << " is: " << maxIndex << " : " << max << endl;
	  cout << "		Top five: ";
	  for(int b=0; b < 5; b++) {
		  cout << top_five[b]<< " ";
	  maxIndex = 0;
	  max = tensor[numel];

  return maxIndex;

void test(const TestConfig &testConfig)
  ifstream planFile(testConfig.planPath);
  stringstream planBuffer;
  planBuffer << planFile.rdbuf();
  string plan = planBuffer.str();
  IRuntime *runtime = createInferRuntime(gLogger);
  ICudaEngine *engine = runtime->deserializeCudaEngine((void*),
      plan.size(), nullptr);
  IExecutionContext *context = engine->createExecutionContext();

  int inputBindingIndex, outputBindingIndex;
  inputBindingIndex = engine->getBindingIndex(testConfig.inputNodeName.c_str());
  outputBindingIndex = engine->getBindingIndex(testConfig.outputNodeName.c_str());

  int batchsize = stoi(testConfig.maxBatchSize, nullptr);

  vector<cv::Mat> image_array;

  // load and preprocess image
  for(int i =0; i < batchsize; i++)

      cv::Mat image = cv::imread(testConfig.imagePath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
      cv::cvtColor(image, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB, 3);
      cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(testConfig.InputWidth(), testConfig.InputHeight()));

  const float mean[3] = { 123.68, 116.78, 103.94 };
  const size_t height = image_array[0].rows;
  const size_t width = image_array[0].cols;
  const size_t channels = image_array[0].channels();
  float input[height * width * channels * batchsize];
  for (int i = 0, volImg = channels * height * width; i < batchsize; ++i)
     for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)
        // the color image to input should be in BGR order
        for (unsigned j = 0, volChl = height * width; j < volChl; ++j){
           input[i * volImg + c * volChl + j] = float(image_array[i].data[j * channels] - mean[c]);

  // allocate memory on host / device for input / output
  float *output;
  float *inputDevice;
  float *outputDevice;
  size_t inputSize = batchsize * testConfig.InputHeight() * testConfig.InputWidth() * 3 * sizeof(float);

  // need to multiply it by batch size below
  cudaHostAlloc(&output, batchsize * testConfig.NumOutputCategories() * sizeof(float), cudaHostAllocMapped);

  if (testConfig.UseMappedMemory())
    cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&inputDevice, input, 0);
    cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&outputDevice, output, 0);
    cudaMalloc(&inputDevice, inputSize);
    // need to multiply it by batch size below
    cudaMalloc(&outputDevice, batchsize * testConfig.NumOutputCategories() * sizeof(float));

float *bindings[2];
  bindings[inputBindingIndex] = inputDevice;
  bindings[outputBindingIndex] = outputDevice;

  // run and compute average time over numRuns iterations
  double avgTime_in = 0;
  double avgTime_exec = 0;
  double avgTime_out = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < testConfig.NumRuns() + 1; i++)

    chrono::duration<double> exec_diff;
    chrono::duration<double> in_diff;
    chrono::duration<double> out_diff;

    if (testConfig.UseMappedMemory())

      auto t0 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
      context->execute(1, (void**)bindings);
      auto t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
      exec_diff = t1 - t0;

      auto t0 = chrono::steady_clock::now();

cudaMemcpy(inputDevice, input, inputSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); //seg fault here

      auto t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();

      //change the 1 to batchsize

      context->execute(batchsize, (void**)bindings);
      auto t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
      // need to multiply it by batch size below
      cudaMemcpy(output, outputDevice, batchsize * testConfig.NumOutputCategories() * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
      auto t3 = chrono::steady_clock::now();

      in_diff = t1 - t0;
      exec_diff = t2 - t1;
      out_diff = t3 - t2;

if (i != 0)
      avgTime_exec += MS_PER_SEC * exec_diff.count();
      avgTime_in += MS_PER_SEC * in_diff.count();
      avgTime_out += MS_PER_SEC * out_diff.count();
  avgTime_in /= testConfig.NumRuns();
  avgTime_exec /= (testConfig.NumRuns() * batchsize);
  avgTime_out /= testConfig.NumRuns();

  // save results to file
  int maxCategoryIndex = argmax(output, testConfig.NumOutputCategories(), batchsize) + 1001 - testConfig.NumOutputCategories();
  //cout << "\nMost likely category id is " << maxCategoryIndex << endl;
  cout << "\nAverage Input Loading time in ms is " << avgTime_in << endl;
  cout << "Average execution time/per image in ms is " << avgTime_exec << endl;
  cout << "Average execution time total in ms is " << avgTime_exec * batchsize << endl;
  cout << "Average Output Loading time in ms is " << avgTime_out << endl;
  ofstream outfile;, ios_base::app);
  outfile << "\n" << testConfig.planPath
    << " " << avgTime_exec;
    // << " " << maxCategoryIndex
    // << " " << testConfig.InputWidth()
    // << " " << testConfig.InputHeight()
    // << " " << testConfig.MaxBatchSize()
    // << " " << testConfig.WorkspaceSize()
    // << " " << testConfig.dataType
    // << " " << testConfig.NumRuns()
    // << " " << testConfig.UseMappedMemory();




Other than that I pretty much use the same method described in the Github’s section and in the section. The models are from the github’s download link as well.


Is there the same error with the default tf_to_trt_image_classification without the edit you made?

Hey Aasta,

I can confirm that the error still exists without the edits I made, which logically follows as the only edits I made were to turn on the DLA in uff_to_plan.cpp and reformat the data entry process in to allow for batches.

They are the same errors verbatim.



Suppose you are using our official TensorFlow package from here:

We will reproduce this issue and pass it to our internal team.

Hey Aasta,

yes I am using that package, I believe that is the only form of tensorflow that works on the Xavier.
Let me know of any updates.



This is a memory related issue.

Currently, we limit per DLA core to 2MB upto a total of 8 subgraphs per network.
This will lead to submission fail with a complicated model.

Would you mind to give googlenet a try first?


Hey Aasta,

I originally tried inception_v1/googlenet but had the same errors as resnet and vgg_16. Unfortunately I do not have a stored inception plan saved for the Xavier and it appears that upgrading to Jetpack 4.2 and TensorRT broke the uff parser, preventing me from creating a new one now. I’ll flash the Xavier back to JetPack 4.1 and TensorRT 5.0.3 and get a plan, save it externally and reflash to 4.2/ and report my results


I’m facing a similar issue when trying to run YOLO to the DLA. Is there a workaround for this yet? This is on the 4.2/ setup. I’m able to get it to work with a max batch size of 1 but unable to make it work on higher max batch sizes.


Since we already release a newer package, would you mind to try our JetPack4.2.1/TensorRT5.1 first?

Hello AastaLLL,

I still get this error on the new JetPack version (4.2.1):

NVMEDIA_DLA :  717, ERROR: setInputTensorDesc failed 
NVMEDIA_DLA :  801, ERROR: SetInputTensorDesc failed for tensor: 7. status: 0x0.
NVMEDIA_DLA :  967, ERROR: BindArgs failed (Input). status: 0x7.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I am trying to do INT 8 inference with DLA with batch size 1 based on the Retinanet model.
What could be the cause of this?


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