panic error

When I try to initialize the TCP viewer or Carter Navigation Stack operations ( bazel run packages/navsim/apps:navsim_viewer_tcp) and ( bazel run //apps/carter/navsim:navsim_navigate – --more packages/navsim/maps/warehouse.json,packages/navsim/robots/carter.json) respectively, I get the error:

2019-11-19 11:24:36.555 ERROR engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@307: ml: /home/USER/.cache/bazel/_bazel_USER/078620953386c8eebc0e244bf318a091/execroot/com_nvidia_isaac/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/apps/carter/navsim/navsim_navigate.runfiles/com_nvidia_isaac//external/com_nvidia_isaac/packages/ml/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2019-11-19 11:24:36.555 PANIC engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@309: Could not load all required modules for application

| Isaac application terminated unexpectedly |

#01 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x8046a) [0x5633ac82b46a]
#02 engine/alice/tools/main(+0xe86d0) [0x5633ac8936d0]
#03 engine/alice/tools/main(+0xe8a40) [0x5633ac893a40]
#04 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8fae273890]
#05 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8fad90de97]
#06 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8fad90f801]
#07 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x9d1f7) [0x5633ac8481f7]
#08 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x34bdc) [0x5633ac7dfbdc]
#09 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x350f3) [0x5633ac7e00f3]
#10 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x352e4) [0x5633ac7e02e4]
#11 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x15c23) [0x5633ac7c0c23]
#12 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f8fad8f0b97]
#13 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x1af7a) [0x5633ac7c5f7a]

Minidump written to: /tmp/6900a552-281c-4e31-16cfe697-3d3320a8.dmp

I have installed TensorFlow and CUDA 10.0 as well.

I need help to view the training data when training Isaac with respective metrics as soon as possible for a research assignment. I would appreciate help… thanks!

Any update on this issue?
I have exactly the same error.

NB: if I do

locate libml_module

I’m able to find multiple in my system, e.g.


but none of them is found in the expected path described in the error message:

2019-11-26 12:12:17.892 ERROR   engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@307: ml: /home/user1/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user1/720d1ce4d0169d46a807b418dc594c19/execroot/com_nvidia_isaac/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/apps/carter/navsim/navsim_navigate.runfiles/com_nvidia_isaac//external/com_nvidia_isaac/packages/ml/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Isaac SDK would try to load the same module from several paths before giving the error message. For, very likely it is failing to load the module for some missing dependency shared libraries such as cuda, cudnn and tensorrt. Please check if cuda 10.0 is symlinked in /usr/local/cuda and included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH env.

I have the very similar issue, and still could not find any solution for this …
2020-02-25 19:16:19.025 INFO engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@226: Loaded module ‘packages/viewers/’: Now has 149 components total
2020-02-25 19:16:19.025 ERROR engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@250: packages/ml/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2020-02-25 19:16:19.025 PANIC engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@252: Could not load all required modules for application

| Isaac application terminated unexpectedly |

#01 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x880fa) [0x55c55e6a60fa]
#02 engine/alice/tools/main(+0xf97d0) [0x55c55e7177d0]
#03 engine/alice/tools/main(+0xf9b40) [0x55c55e717b40]
#04 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7a1bde9890]
#05 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7a1b483e97]
#06 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7a1b485801]
#07 engine/alice/tools/main(+0xa33c7) [0x55c55e6c13c7]
#08 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x3b91c) [0x55c55e65991c]
#09 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x3cc39) [0x55c55e65ac39]
#10 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x3cfdf) [0x55c55e65afdf]
#11 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x17433) [0x55c55e635433]
#12 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7a1b466b97]
#13 engine/alice/tools/main(+0x1d4ca) [0x55c55e63b4ca]

Minidump written to: /tmp/ed9a4028-27a7-4e8a-17fc07ac-d03974fa.dmp
/home/ccv-main/.cache/bazel/_bazel_ccv-main/1ad872625d63393b99e3875bb9ef9171/execroot/com_nvidia_isaac/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/apps/navsim/navsim_navigate: line 38: 10395 Aborted (core dumped) engine/alice/tools/main --app apps/navsim/ --more “packages/navsim/robots/$ROBOT_ID.json,packages/navsim/maps/$MAP.json” $@

Please install cuda 10.0 locally and add /usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH env

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Thank you so much , now it works :)

I used the following commands for those who seeks a solution :

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64
echo ‘export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.0/lib64’ >> ~/.bashrc

then I could be able to run
bazel run //apps/navsim:navsim_navigate