HDR for GMSL Camera on Xavier

I saw IPP Plugin is support HDR.
But I didn’t find out how to enable HDR for GMSL Camera.
Or HDR is a future feature? Currently is not OK?

Dear Denny.hsu,

Unfortunately HDR mode is not supported on Drive AGX.

Dear Steve,

You just mentioned “HDR mode is not supported on Drive AGX.”, I have two technical problems about this issue:

  1. If there is a GMSL camera which is switched to the HDR mode, connect to the Xavier, can Xavier receive the HDR frame image through the ISP component in IPP framework? Because the documentation indicates the supported input format of the input port includes HDR image. If the framework can not receive the frame image, can xavier receive the frame image through the other way?

  2. Can HDR merge (which is also provided by ISP component) function works normally?

P.S. Our gmsl camera is Sekonix SF3325 (AR0231 RCCB)

Dear Steve,

I will create a topic to discuss this issue.