Is RGBA type supported for NvMediaIOFSTCreate API?


I tried to update sample nvmedia_imageofst to make RGBA type supported.

However, it failed. The error logs are as follow

nvmedia: main: Creating IOFST device
nvmedia: main: Setting IOFST initialization params
[GetTVMRInputFormat:750] Invalid input format specified
nvmedia: ERROR: main: NvMediaIOFSTCreate failed

It seems that NvMediaIOFSTCreate doesn’t support RGBA input surface type. After updating input surface type from NVM_SURF_FMT_SET_ATTR_YUV(surfFormatAttrs, YUV, 420, SEMI_PLANAR, UINT, 8, BL) to NVM_SURF_FMT_SET_ATTR_RGBA(surfFormatAttrs, RGBA, UINT, 8, PL), the NvMediaIOFSTCreate will report invalid input format.

Is RGBA type supported?

Dear Leslie.Mao,
RGBA is not supported

Hello SivaRamaKrishna

Thanks for your quick feedback. Got it.