one question about "Directshow + CUDA

Hello…bog , I’m Eric…
I checked CUDA Zone Forum and found this article…

I want to create one directshow transform filter combined with MyCudaProj.dll (<-- I created it)
Now I use “LoadLibrary” function to load *.dll …
But it always can’t be loaded…
I’m sure *.dll is ok, cuz I test it with VS2005 console project successfully… confused.gif

Another way I think is to add *.cu in Directshow Filter proj …
In order to let Directshow transform function call function of *.cu successfully,
I add (Extern “C”) to define the function of *.cu…
But… the Vs2005 compiler always shows this message

nullnull.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _TestHelloCUDA@0 referenced in function “private: virtual long __thiscall CNullNull::Transform(struct IMediaSample *)” (?Transform@CNullNull@@EAEJPAUIMediaSample@@@Z)
1>Debug\ : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Did you have any experience about this…
I also check my project setting many times, but nothing happened… pinch.gif>_<