Even more Fermi Fun: Uncoalesced writes

My last post got me wondering if the L2 cache was any benefit to writes that cannot be coalesced at the warp level, but could be approximately coalesced at a higher level. To test the idea, I wrote a little kernel that had each thread (16M total) write an integer to output index = threadIdx.x * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x. This requires 16M memory transactions to process, but also has lots of opportunities for combining writes from different blocks if you get lucky and have consecutive blocks writing to the same cache line at the same time. Results:

Device name: GeForce GTX 275

BogoGFLOPS: 699.8

Size of array: 16776960 elements

No coalesce: 21.145 ms, 3026.6 MB/sec

(Edit: fixed device name and BogoGFLOPS that I retyped wrong and aviday spotted below.)

Device name: GeForce GTX 470

BogoGFLOPS: 1088.6

Size of array: 16776960 elements

No coalesce: 6.492 ms, 9857.6 MB/sec

Not bad. A 3.25x improvement between devices with approximately the same theoretical memory bandwidth. Looks like writes can be combined in the L2 cache.

(Code at: http://bitbucket.org/seibert/fermi_test/sr…/no_coalesce.cu )

I presume the second one is Fermi, despite the GTX 275 title and “BogoGFLOPS” value?

Oops, right, sorry. I have to run jobs from home on the GTX 470 through a piece of junk Java terminal emulator that doesn’t support copy/paste.

This is using Linux and GTX480:

-bash-3.2$ ./NoCoalesce

Device name: GeForce GTX 480

BogoGFLOPS: 1345.0

Size of array: 16776960 elements

No coalesce: 5.605 ms, 11418.9 MB/sec

These results bring me back to the original my original question at http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=168798&st=0

seibert - I hope its not too rude, maybe you can compile some test case (as you did here) that will stress-test a bandwidth bounded kernel,

a compute-bound kernel and a 50% BW -50% compute bounded kernel and see the results?

I’ll try to do this myself as well…



I changed the original code a bit to do simple bandwidth test - I hope its ok with you seibert :). The results are somewhat interesting and dissapointing at the same time :) (at least for me)…

/* -*- c++ -*- */

#include <cuda.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

/* Yes, I'm going to hell. */

#  define CUDA_CHECK_ERROR( call) do {										 \

	cudaError err = call;													\

	if( cudaSuccess != err) {												\

	  fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",		\

	   __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) );			  \

	  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);													  \

	} } while (0)

///////////////// Kernels ///////////////////////


__global__ void no_coalesce(float *output)


  unsigned int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  // Transpose the block and thread ID to break coalescing

  // maximally

  unsigned int write_index = threadIdx.x * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;

  output[write_index] = index * 1.1f;


__global__ void bw_test_straight( float *input, float *output )


  unsigned int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  output[index] = input[index] * 1.1f;


__global__ void bw_test_transpose( float *input, float *output )


  unsigned int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  // Transpose the block and thread ID to break coalescing

  // maximally

  unsigned int write_index = threadIdx.x * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;

  output[write_index] = input[ index ]* 1.1f;


////////////////// Host code ///////////

int main()


  const unsigned int blocks = 65535;

  const unsigned int n = blocks * THREADS_PER_BLOCK;

// Device information

  int device;


  struct cudaDeviceProp prop;

  cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, 0);

  int proc_per_multiproc = 8;

  if (prop.major == 2) proc_per_multiproc = 32;

  printf("Device name: %s\n", prop.name);

  // Bogus normalization metric

  float bogogflops = 2 * prop.clockRate * prop.multiProcessorCount * proc_per_multiproc / 1e6;

  printf("BogoGFLOPS: %1.1f\n\n", bogogflops);

printf("Size of array: %d elements\n", n);

// Allocate arrays

  float *d_output, *d_input;

  float *h_input = new float[n];

  for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) h_input[ i ] = i / 5.555f;

  cudaMalloc( ( void ** )&( d_input ), sizeof(float) * n );

  cudaMemcpy( d_input, h_input, sizeof(float) * n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void **) &d_output, sizeof(float) * n));

// Warmup

  no_coalesce<<<blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_output);

  bw_test_straight<<< blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_input, d_output);

  bw_test_transpose<<< blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_input, d_output);


cudaEvent_t start, stop, start1, stop1, start2, stop2;

  float elapsedTime, elapsedTime1, elapsedTime2;







CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(start, 0));

no_coalesce<<<blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_output);

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(stop, 0));


  CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime, start,stop));

// Compute effective memory bandwidth.

  printf("No coalesce: %1.3f ms, %1.1f MB/sec\n", elapsedTime,

  ((float) n / elapsedTime * 1e3 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 * 4));

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(start1, 0));

bw_test_straight<<<blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_input, d_output);

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(stop1, 0));


  CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime1, start1,stop1));

printf("bw_test_straight: %1.3f ms, %1.1f MB/sec\n", elapsedTime1,

		 ((float) n / elapsedTime1 * 1e3 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 * 4));

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(start2, 0));

bw_test_transpose<<<blocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(d_input, d_output);

CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventRecord(stop2, 0));


  CUDA_CHECK_ERROR(cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime2, start2,stop2));

printf("bw_test_transpose: %1.3f ms, %1.1f MB/sec\n", elapsedTime2,

		 ((float) n / elapsedTime2 * 1e3 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 * 4));

return 0;


Those are the results for a GTX480 on linux:

Device name: GeForce GTX 480

BogoGFLOPS: 1345.0

Size of array: 16776960 elements

No coalesce: 5.585 ms, 11458.5 MB/sec

bw_test_straight: 0.947 ms, 67571.1 MB/sec

bw_test_transpose: 5.386 ms, 11882.8 MB/sec

And those for GTX295 (one half of it) on linux:

Device name: GeForce GTX 295

BogoGFLOPS: 596.2

Size of array: 16776960 elements

No coalesce: 16.828 ms, 3803.1 MB/sec

bw_test_straight: 1.378 ms, 46437.5 MB/sec

bw_test_transpose: 19.622 ms, 3261.5 MB/sec

So it seems that the original test “No coalesce” shows the same performance gain as seibert saw.

The “bw_test_transpose” also shows a great performance boost in favour of the GTX480 (~ same as the “No coalesce” test)

However the “bw_test_straight” shows ~30-40% boost from the GTX480. This is consistant with my real application boost and

is discussed in the thread I’ve mentioned above.

So for me, and maybe for all conventional BW bounded kernels, this is the top boost I can expect from Fermi.


Yes, a bandwidth-bound kernel reaching near peak memory bandwidth already is not going to see an enormous boost from Fermi. In fact the compute/memory bandwidth ratio in Fermi cards seems to be tipped more toward compute compared to previous cards.

How about the L1 cache?

If you for example have a kernel where you do something like

I guess that the L1 cache will result in a big speedup?

(I know that this is extremely bad code and that shared memory should be used, but it’s not possible at all times).

This was run with default L1 settings:

__global__ void bw_test_straight_with_loop( float *input, float *output )


  unsigned int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  float a = 0.0f;

  for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )


		a += input[index + i ];


  output[index] = a * 1.1f;



Device name: GeForce GTX 295

Size of array: 16776960 elements

bw_test_straight_with_loop: 1035.089 ms, 61.8 MB/sec


Device name: GeForce GTX 480

Size of array: 16776960 elements

bw_test_straight_with_loop: 269.733 ms, 237.3 MB/sec

Nice :)

I’ve tested it with #pragma unroll on the loop and those are the results… I wonder which Fermi feature responsible for this.???.. :)

Device name: GeForce GTX 295

Size of array: 16776960 elements

bw_test_straight_with_loop: 1037.054 ms, 61.7 MB/sec


Device name: GeForce GTX 480

Size of array: 16776960 elements

bw_test_straight_with_loop: 174.261 ms, 367.3 MB/sec

may be i am wrong but … l1 cache has same hardware access as shared memory


if compiler is smart enough then after loop unrolling it can organize memory/cache access with much more optimal way.