problem to compile and execute with CUDA 4.1

I tried since Monday to install CUDA so I followed the NVIDIA documentation in the NVIDIA website.
I wanted to compile a simple cuda code I created which, for an array T of integers T(i) = i, make T(i)++ on GPU. I had an error when compiling with the toolkit for ubuntu 11.04 so I install the toolkit for ubuntu 10.04 and it compiles but it returns an array containing only zeros. This code was working on an older machine last year.

Then I tried codes of the SDK, particularly these ones :

Using a make to run the Makefile, I obtain the following errors :

For the first one (/usr/local/cuda4.1/extras/CUPTI/sample/callback_metric/ :

nvcc -c -I…/…/include
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h(41): error: identifier “cudaIpcEventHandle_t” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h(47): error: identifier “cudaIpcEventHandle_t” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h(51): error: identifier “cudaIpcMemHandle_t” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h(57): error: identifier “cudaIpcMemHandle_t” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h(238): error: identifier “CUipcEventHandle” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h(244): error: identifier “CUipcEventHandle” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h(248): error: identifier “CUipcMemHandle” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h(254): error: identifier “CUipcMemHandle” is undefined
…/…/include/generated_cuda_gl_interop_meta.h(15): error: incomplete type is not allowed
…/…/include/generated_cudaGL_meta.h(41): error: identifier “CUGLDeviceList” is undefined
10 errors detected in the compilation of “/tmp/tmpxft_00002d5c_00000000-4_callback_metric.cpp1.ii”.
make: *** [callback_metric.o] Error 2

For the second one (/usr/local/cuda4.1/extras/CUPTI/sample/activity_trace/ :

nvcc -c -I…/…/include activity_trace.cpp
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:41: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘cudaIpcEventHandle_t’ with no type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:41: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘’ token
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:47: error: ‘cudaIpcEventHandle_t’ does not name a type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:51: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘cudaIpcMemHandle_t’ with no type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:51: error: expected ‘;’ before '
’ token
…/…/include/generated_cuda_runtime_api_meta.h:57: error: ‘cudaIpcMemHandle_t’ does not name a type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:238: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CUipcEventHandle’ with no type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:238: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘’ token
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:244: error: ‘CUipcEventHandle’ does not name a type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:248: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CUipcMemHandle’ with no type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:248: error: expected ‘;’ before '
’ token
…/…/include/generated_cuda_meta.h:254: error: ‘CUipcMemHandle’ does not name a type
…/…/include/generated_cuda_gl_interop_meta.h:15: error: use of enum ‘cudaGLDeviceList’ without previous declaration
…/…/include/generated_cudaGL_meta.h:41: error: ‘CUGLDeviceList’ does not name a type
make: *** [activity_trace.o] Error 1

So, there is a problem in installation. I don’t know what I have to do so that everything be okay. Can you help me please ?