Program GPU usage

Hello, I installed CUDA on Debian 6.04

DeviceQuery from the CUDA SDK

How I can make shure that the program uses GPU?

By calling gpu specific functions. You need to explicitly write functions and have the kernel atribbutie which will be executed on gpu.

I have another situation, Application Vray must use GPU, but when I start it, program freezes up

Log from console

And I want to know, Vray use GPU or no?


When I run cuda programs I use nvidia-smi to see on which device they run and how much memory are they using.

Your GPU is CUDA supported and you should be able to run CUDA binaries on it. Try out some of the other samples from the CUDA SDK.

Nvidia-smi doesn’t support my Video Card. =(

I successfully run example from CUDA SDK.

But I watch the following picture

I run binaries (fluidsGL)

From top

It’s normall?

The examples would not run without the gpu. If yuo can monitor the temperature of the card you should see and increase in the temperature followed by a ventilator increase of rpms.