interaction in a array

Hello, sorry for my english

I have a task, one point are calculated via 12 neighboring points

Scheme is attached

In the middle there is a point that need to calculate

Code looks very roughly like this:

  long x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  long y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
  data [x][y] = data [x][y] + data [x][y+1];
  data [x][y] = data [x][y] + data [x-1][y+1] + data [x][y+1] + data [x+1][y+1];
  data [x][y] = data [x][y] + data [x-2][y] + data [x-1][y] + data [x+1][y] + data [x+2][y] ;
  data [x][y] = data [x][y] + data [x-1][y-1] + data [x][y-1] + data [x+1][y-1];
  data [x][y] = data [x][y] + data [x][y-1];

I don’t understand how to get data from neighboring cells, or is it impossible?

I know that GPU is not best to solve this, but I have to solve via GPU with loss of perfomance


global memory, array[300][300]

You can certainly implement this on a GPU, but I have three recommendations: (1) You are going to have to have separate source and destination. The function depends on the 12 neighbors, but as it is written, the code changes the input (data) for other threads. (2) You’re function will need boundary conditions to define what the value of the function at the edges of the space. (3) In the implementation, you should use shared memory in order to reduce the cost associated with multiple fetches of data across multiple threads. However, you should first try an implementation that doesn’t use shared memory as a baseline case. The code for the kernel looks OK, except for suggestions (1) and (2). In your host code, at a minimum you will need cudaMalloc() to allocate d_data_src, cudaMalloc() to allocate d_data_dest, cudaMemcpy() to copy the data on the host to d_data_src, a kernel call (i.e., foobar<<<>>>>(d_data_src, d_data_dest), …), cudaMemcpy() to copy d_data_dest back to the CPU. Don’t forget to check the return values from the API calls. --Ken


The best way to solve this is using shared memory. Without shared memory each element is loaded 9 times from the memory. The other alternative is to put your problem as a sparse matrix and use cusparse library.

Thank you, Ken! :)

The way with additional global array works! It’s wonderful! code bellow

But doesn’t work the way with shared memory, maybe I’m wrong somewhere, please look if you could

//it doesn't work, code with shared memory

__global__ void incKernel (float * data)


  int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

__shared__ float temp[256];

if (xIndex < 256) 


    temp[xIndex] = data[xIndex];



if ((xIndex > 0) && (xIndex < 256))


    data [xIndex] = temp[xIndex-1] + temp[xIndex] + temp[xIndex+1];



float * getSourceHostArray(int sizeArray);

void check_for_error(const char *er_str);

int main( int argc, char *  argv [] )


  int sizeArray = 256;

  int numBytes = sizeArray * sizeof ( float );


  float *hostArray = getSourceHostArray(sizeArray);


  float * deviceArray = NULL;


  cudaMalloc ( (void**)&deviceArray, numBytes );

dim3 threads = dim3(32, 1);

  dim3 blocks  = dim3(sizeArray / threads.x, 1);		

cudaMemcpy      ( deviceArray, hostArray, numBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );


  incKernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(deviceArray); 


cudaMemcpy      ( hostArray, deviceArray, numBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );    

for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )	


    printf ( "hostArray[%d]= %f\n", i, hostArray [i] );



  cudaFree (deviceArray);

delete hostArray;	



return 0;

//it works, code with additional global array

__global__ void incKernel (const float * src, float * dest)


  int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if ((xIndex > 0) && (xIndex < 256))


    dest [xIndex] = src[xIndex-1] + src[xIndex] + src[xIndex+1];



float * getSourceHostArray(int sizeArray);

void check_for_error(const char *er_str);

int main( int argc, char *  argv [] )


  int sizeArray = 256;

  int numBytes = sizeArray * sizeof ( float );


  float *hostArray = getSourceHostArray(sizeArray);


  float * srcDeviceArray = NULL;

  float * destDeviceArray = NULL;


  cudaMalloc ( (void**)&srcDeviceArray, numBytes );

  cudaMalloc ( (void**)&destDeviceArray, numBytes );

cudaMemcpy      ( srcDeviceArray, hostArray, numBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

  cudaMemcpy      ( destDeviceArray, hostArray, numBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

dim3 threads = dim3(32, 1);

  dim3 blocks  = dim3(sizeArray / threads.x, 1);		  


  incKernel<<<blocks, threads>>>(srcDeviceArray, destDeviceArray); 


cudaMemcpy      ( hostArray, destDeviceArray, numBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );    

for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )	


    printf ( "hostArray[%d]= %f\n", i, hostArray [i] );



  cudaFree (srcDeviceArray);

  cudaFree (destDeviceArray);

delete hostArray;	



return 0;


float * getSourceHostArray(int sizeArray)


  float *array = new float ;


  for ( int i = 0; i < sizeArray; i++ )	


    array [i] = 1.0f;


  return array;


Hi Dmitry, It looks like the main problem is that the shared memory implementation doesn’t separate source and destination that was done in the global memory implementation. Again, the problem is that not all threads all operate in parallel, not even within a single block. Otherwise, the code looks OK. In the general case, xIndex will be > 256. So, once you remove the <256 tests, you’ll have to map xIndex into 0 to 256 (using “% 256”). --Ken

Thank you, Ken!:) It’s true