getting 'Missing file on syste: ...' error on start up


I’m getting

Missing file on system: xxx.exe (System.InvalidOperationException)

It used to run fine, but after i boot up the machine, i started to get this. No matter what i do (unintall/reinstall) i couldn’t fix this. Any idea?

Which version of Nsight are you running, and how is your project configured? Are you doing remote debugging?

Would you mind providing the steps leading up to the issue? Thanks!

i’m using 3.0, but was using 2.2 and was still getting the error. I’m not using remote debugging. my work directory is mapped drive tho. But, this all used to work fine, but stopped working after reboot. my mapped drive is working fine.

Have you tried remapping your network drive?

no, i didn’t think it would really matter since there’s nothing changed in my pc setting. one thing i noticed is that i changed work dir of nsight to local drive (non-mapped) via nsight properties and the error msg was still displaying that it tried to access mapped drive …

Would you mind pasting the contents of your project’s .nvuser file? If it contains sensitive information, you may private message me.

Hello, i have the same problem. here is contents of my project’s .nvuser file:

<ProjectSettingsModel DefinitionId="a218e900-1199-4ab1-a767-7976786f04d4" DisplayName="Nexus Project User Settings" xmlns="clr-namespace:Ark.PropertyModel;assembly=Ark">
    <SettingsPointModel DefinitionId="3eb7ba04-016d-475e-b0ff-daa5f0e59a08" DisplayName="Launch">
        <Property Name="ConnectionName" Value="" />
        <Property Name="ExternalStartProgram" Value="z:\va.exe" />
        <Property Name="LaunchAction" Value="StartExternalProgram" />
    <SettingsPointModel DefinitionId="9e01db22-a7ae-4ca9-b2a8-6a4e66dd5cb7" DisplayName="Synchronization">
        <Property Name="SynchronizeFiles" Value="False" />
    <SettingsPointModel DefinitionId="4ae4108e-96a4-491d-99d1-3697cd027eb7" DisplayName="Shader Compilation">
        <Property Name="GlobalIncludes" Value="Y:\" />

In my case this was caused because the path contained a drive letter that was mapped using the SUBST command.

Using the actual physical driver letter corrected the problem.