Unable to view dyanamically allocated shared memory variables

I am new to using Nsight for Visual Studio and am having a problem displaying dynamically allocated shared variables. When performing CUDA debugging in Visual Studio while in a kernel, I am unable to watch or use the memory window to display values for dynamically allocated shared variables.

In the following code I can monitor the value for s_static when in the first kernel through breakpoints and the memory window, but I can’t monitor the value for s_dyanmic through breakpoints or the memory window. The value returned for d_val after the kernel launch is correct in either case.

__global__ void SharedDisplayStatic (int* d_val)
	__shared__ int s_static[1];
	if (threadIdx.x == 0)
	    s_static[0] = threadIdx.x;
	    *d_val = s_static[0];

__global__ void SharedDisplayDynamic (int* d_val)
	extern __shared__ int s_dynamic[];
	if (threadIdx.x == 0)
	    s_dynamic[0] = threadIdx.x;
	    *d_val = s_dynamic[0];

void HostCallingFunction()
	int* d_val(NULL);
	int val(1);
	cudaMalloc(&d_val, sizeof(int)); 
	cudaMemset(d_val, 1, sizeof(int));

	SharedDisplayStatic <<<1, 1>>> (d_val);
	cudaMemcpy(&val, d_val, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	cudaMemset(d_val, 1, sizeof(int));

	SharedDisplayDynamic <<<1, 1, 4>>> (d_val);
	cudaMemcpy(&val, d_val, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

Here’s my setup:

Windows 7
Visual Studio 2010, SP1
Nsight Version 3.0, Build (release candidate 2) – I had same behavior with RC1
Cuda Toolkit 5.0
Driver 314.07
GTX 460 (Compute capability 2.1)
Setup for headless debugging on the GTX 460

I appreciate any help.


I neglected to add that my Windows 7 is 64-bit and my project is 64-bit.