I need 2.8.4

Hi I need Physx sdk version 2.8.4 for some reason. not 3.3 not 2.8.3 just 2.3.4 for build APEX for physx2.8.4.
But I could not get it from here any more i guess.
Does someone have 2.8.4?

Hello Northbrain!

I have the version for Windows Would you send it?


Hi ftejada.
Nice, I got PhysX_2.8.4.6_for_PC_Core.msi from uk site.
But I want yours.
Please send me.


If you have problems tell me.


Can I ask another?
Is PhysX 2.8.4 that you’ve got for max plug-in?
Then if it’s not excuse, can you give me files for that?
Thank you