Find the right Linux Header


i tried to recompile the kernel and some drivers for v4l. Is there a special location/repository for to install the right linux header files for the jetson/tk1 ubuntu?


Don’t know which downloads are needed for v4l. The list of repositories currently enabled (along with some commented out and ready to enable) are in /etc/apt/sources.list.

It seems i´m too blind to find it :)

I enable all repos. in etc/apt/sources.list, did a apt-get update and tried to install the linux header with:

sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-3.10.40-g8c4516e

result is:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package kernel-headers-3.10.40-g8c4516e
E: Couldn’t find any package by regex ‘kernel-headers-3.10.40-g8c4516e’

Is there a special nvidia repo for the right 3.10.40-g8c4516e linux headers?


There are no Jetson specific Ubuntu package for the kernel headers.

If you already compiled the kernel for Jetson (on Jetson) then you have the kernel headers on that same build tree.

I’m not sure what you mean by “drivers for v4l” but if you mean some out-of-tree kernel modules, those are usually compiled by pointing the KDIR parameter to the kernel source tree.

FYI, use the R21.2 downloads page for the kernel source. The “-g8c4516e” is the localversion which is not a mainstream kernel. See the sticky topic for URLs.

thanks all for the help, i got it now.