Google Play Services -- How to modify ant directly?

I am trying to include Google Play Services into my NSight Tegra project. I found this thread which ultimately suggests I modify

I’m fine with that, but requires I use relative paths. I have an ant-based build which works fine, but when I build via my NSight Tegra build, I get:

[..] \android\vsproj\Tegra-Android\Debug\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:26: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version').

The line from my


When building via Visual Studio, what is the CWD I need to work from when specifying google-play-services_lib?

hi MlabbeFrogtoss,
sorry for late reply, the relative path is resolved starting from the Ant Build Root Path. In Nsight Tegra , the Build Root Path is $(ProjectDir). you can find it Project Properties>Configuration Properties>AntBuild>Ant Build Root Path.
