Cuda Code crashes - memory problems?

Hello people!
Little bit of background first: I have to optimize the speed of an SPH (= Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) Code. So, I want to parallelize the calculation of the hydrodynamic forces for every particle and instead of having loops that are iterating over every particle, we had the idea to put that on the GPU.
After some time, I kind of implemented the GPU parallelization with CUDA, but now my program is just crashing without saying what went wrong. I just know, that it is crashing, when it comes to copying the data to the device.
In order to analyze the problem, I created a small example (with the structure of my SPH-Code), that is crashing too, when I augment the size of N …
Here it is:

It includes the following headers:
proto.h (for the functions):

extern void main_GPU(int N, int Ntask);

allvars.h (data structure on the host):

struct particle_data
  float a;
  float b;
* P;

struct sph_particle_data
	float acc;
	float vel;
* SphP;

Allvars_gpu.h (data structure on the device):

__device__ struct d_particle_data
  float a;
  float b;
* d_P;

__device__ struct d_sph_particle_data
	float acc;
	float vel;
* d_SphP;

main.cpp (from where the .cu-file is called):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

extern "C" {
#include "proto.h"

int main(void)
  int N_gas = 100000000000; // Number of particles
  int NTask = 1; // Number of CPUs (Code has MPI-stuff included)

  main_GPU(N_gas, NTask);

  return 0;

and finally, (with the computation):

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern "C" 
#include "Allvars_gpu.h"
#include "allvars.h"
#include "proto.h"

__device__ void hydro_evaluate(int target, int mode, struct d_particle_data *P, struct d_sph_particle_data *SphP) 
  int c = 5;
  float a,b;
  float acc, vel;

  a = P[target].a;
  b = P[target].b;
  P[target].a = a+c;
  P[target].b = b+c;

  	acc = SphP[target].acc;
	vel = SphP[target].vel;
	SphP[target].acc = acc * c;
	SphP[target].vel = vel * c;

__global__ void hydro_particle_gpu(struct d_particle_data *P, struct d_sph_particle_data *SphP) 
  int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  hydro_evaluate(i, 0, P, SphP);

void hydro_particle_cpu(struct particle_data *P, int N) {
	int i;
	float a,b;
	float acc, vel;
	float c = 5;

	for(i=0; i < N; i++) {
		a = P[i].a;
		b = P[i].b;
		P[i].a = a+c;
		P[i].b = b+c;

		acc = SphP[i].acc;
		vel = SphP[i].vel;
		SphP[i].acc = acc * c;
		SphP[i].vel = vel * c;

void main_GPU(int N, int Ntask) 
  int Blocks;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_P, N * sizeof(d_particle_data));
  cudaMalloc((void**)&d_SphP, N * sizeof(d_sph_particle_data));

  P = (struct particle_data*)malloc(N * sizeof(d_particle_data));
  SphP = (struct sph_particle_data*)malloc(N * sizeof(d_sph_particle_data));

// produce some initial test data for the array of N elements
  for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    P[i].a = i;
    P[i].b = i + 1;
	SphP[i].acc = i * i;
	SphP[i].vel = 2 * i;
  cudaMemcpy(d_P, P, N * sizeof(d_particle_data), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  cudaMemcpy(d_SphP, SphP, N * sizeof(d_sph_particle_data), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  Blocks = (N + N - 1) / N;

  hydro_particle_gpu<<<Blocks,N>>>(d_P, d_SphP);

  cudaMemcpy(P, d_P, N * sizeof(d_particle_data), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  cudaMemcpy(SphP, d_SphP, N * sizeof(d_sph_particle_data), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

  for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    printf("P[%d].a = %f, P[%d].b = %f\n", i, P[i].a, i, P[i].b);
	printf("SphP[%d].acc = %f, SphP[%d].vel = %f\n", i, SphP[i].acc, i, SphP[i].vel);



Is there a way to optimize it, that it doesn’t keep crashing anymore? :(
For information: I’m working with a Nvidia Quadro 2000D.

Thanks for any kind of help!! :)

  1. step: Add proper error checking to every API call and every kernel launch. Are any errors reported?
  2. step: Run your code under control of cuda-memcheck. Fix all issues it reports.

I added a cuda-error-checking and it says: GPUassert: out of memory.

So, I wanted to start the cuda-memcheck, but I don’t know how. I’m using visual studio 2012 and I found the tool NSight->enable CUDA memory checker, but then I don’t know how to go on.

I searched via google, but didn’t find something really useful. Are there any tutorials or videos about how to use the tool inside visual studio?

Thanks for your help and besides, have a nice weekend! :)

There’s no convenient way to use it inside VS.

Build your executable.

Open an ordinary windows console/terminal.

Run your application there with cuda-memcheck:

cuda-memcheck my_app.exe

But fixing the out of memory issue should be straightforward.

First of all, you are suggesting you want 100 Billion particles:

int N_gas = 100000000000; // Number of particles

does that number fit in a int quantity (I don’t think so). If you tried to fix that perhaps by making N_gas a long quantity (and follow that through the calling sequence with long quantities) you’d still be out of memory here:

cudaMalloc((void**)&d_P, N * sizeof(d_particle_data));

100 Billion times anything (even 1 byte) is 100GB or higher. There is no GPU that has that much memory currently.

Yep, I know. This example was just to reproduce the error. Maybe the number of particles was a little bit exagerated :D

But with the hints you gave me, my SPH-code is running now. Thanks a lot!

Nsight VSE has a CUDA Memory Checker that is different from cuda-memcheck.

The directions on how to use the Nsight VSE CUDA Memory Checker can be found at [url][/url].