Nsight 5.0 crashes upon creation of D2D device in a D3D12 app


Nsight 5.0 seems to be crashing whenever I try to create a D2D device in a D3D12 app. I’m creating the D2D device the same way as in this sample from Microsoft: DirectX-Graphics-Samples/D3D1211On12.cpp at master · microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples · GitHub.

The stack trace in the dump file generated by NSight pointed to the D2D device creation and I was able to confirm that this is the case by not creating the D2D device (as well as any of the associated 11on12 stuff) which seemed to fix the issue.

Hi rs_kryptik,

D2D isn’t supported, but crash isn’t expected.

Can you give more information please?

  • is graphics driver installed ?
  • tell us the version of WIN10 OS.
  • can you provide an example as you described if it’s convenient to you.


Sorry for the late reply, I wasn’t following my own post :P (or rather I don’t think I received an email notification when a reply was received).

It seems to be working now with v5.1. Thanks!