Tegra System Profiler 2.5 and Clang 3.6

I’m trying to use Tegra System Profiler 2.5 with a binary built with Clang 3.6. Is this supported?

For some reason I can’t understand I get unresolved symbols for nvtxNameOsThreadA, nvtxRangePushEx, and nvtxRangePop. I have just moved to Clang 3.6 from GCC 4.9 and it is quite possible that I’ve not updated something correctly but I thought I’d check and make sure that this is expected to work anyway.


Okay this is my fault.

I had moved from using Visual Studio 2013 and the “vs-android” plugin to Visual Studio 2015 with its built-in support for the Android NDK. I had added “-lnvToolsExt” as an extra command line option to the linker instead of adding “nvToolsExt” to Properties > Linker > Input > Library Dependencies.

The extra command line options are placed on the command line before object files and libraries are listed. This is the wrong order for the GCC linker that is being used (clang is still using the ld in “…gcc/arm-linux-androidabi/4.9” in this case).

All working well again now.
