when I compile CUDA program, always get #error -- incorrect inclusion of a cudart header file

Error 152 error C1189: #error : – incorrect inclusion of a cudart header file C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include\crt\func_macro.h 50

what this mean ?

Are you including

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include\crt\func_macro.h

in one of your programs?

If so, don’t do that.

If not, what lines of code in your program are triggering this error?

I haven’t seen this before.

When one of my .cuh contains another .cuh files the compiler will have a problem, but not encountered such a situation

I have solved this problem.
Problem is this: my main function is in the .cu file but this .cu is in vs2013 directly .cpp changed over, I think this may be produced that : #error: incorrect inclusion of a cudart header file of the reasons

I create a new .cu file to replace the file just now.