Installing CUDA 8.0.27 on Ubuntu 16.04


I am having trouble installing CUDA 8.0.27 on Ubuntu 16.04, I have a gtx1080, because of the gcc compiler. I can see that you have made a patch available to fix the problem, but I dont know how to use it :)

I have tried to use it as a normal run file:
sudo sh

but then after following the command-line prompts it complains that there are not CUDA installed as I could not installed the cuda 8.0.27.

How do I use the patch?

Thanks for the help


Why couldn’t you install CUDA 8.0.27 ?

The instructions on the download page state:

“This patch requires the base installer to be installed first.”

So you will need to run the base installer first. If it prompts you that it is not a supported configuration, you should choose the prompt to install anyway.

I’m also using GTX 1080 and running on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GCC 5.4.0). I haven’t tried the patch and I also haven’t successfully run the test scripts after installing CUDA 8.0.27 RC yet.

That being said…

When running the *.run file you can use the -override flag to ignore the compiler version.

I’m actually trying to take advantage of GPU acceleration in GATE (OpenGATE) via CUDA but I haven’t had the time lately to try the patch. I’ll report back if I ever get it to work once I find the time.

Hope that helps.

I’m having the same problem. I cannot install the base installer as the compiler is not supported.

So, may I know how to use the patch, if the base cannot be installed?

I think I got the solution now,
after running the patch, I run this

sudo sh --silent --toolkit --override

on terminal.

Then I follow the CUDA quick start guide for Ubuntu version up till ‘set up environment…’

Then, I got the following after running

nvcc -V

nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2016 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Wed_May__4_21:01:56_CDT_2016
Cuda compilation tools, release 8.0, V8.0.26