GTX 1070 - Windows 10 - CUDA 8.0 Not working [Solved]

I have just got my GTX 1070 installed and everything is working great. I installed the 372.54 driver which is the newest at this time and also got CUDA 8.0 Toolkit, but neither the samples nor the default Visual Studio 8.0 Runtime are working

For any sample from the toolkit I get a
CudaGetDeviceProperties returned 30
CudaGetDeviceCount returned 30

When I start a new project in Visual Studio 2015 (non-update version) I get
cudaSetDevice failed! Do you have a CUDA-capable GPU installed?addWithCuda failed!

I have been up and down forums and nothing… any ideas what I am missing or doing wrong or need to do


I reinstalled the same driver, restarted computer and all works now!

what is the result of running nvidia-smi from the command line?

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. This can also be happening if non-NVIDIA GPU is running as primary display, and NVIDIA GPU is in WDDM mode.


I reinstalled the same driver, restarted computer and all works now!