Question about V4L2 API for encode of TX1

Hi, all

Hardware: Tegra X1
System version: Linux For Tegra R24.2.1

I found the R24.2 released with a new L4TMultimediaAPI. It have V4L2 API for encode, decode, scaling, and other media functions.

I am very interested in it. So I made some testing with the example 03_video_cuda_enc. Then, I found the output_plane.qBuffer takes many time (about 10ms) but output_plane.dqBuffer almost take no time (about 50us). I am confused about this. It should not be the output_plane.dqBuffer waiting for the buffer returned back from encoder?

So, I added some debug info in code:

diff --git a/samples/03_video_cuda_enc/video_cuda_enc_main.cpp b/samples/03_video_cuda_enc/video_cuda_enc_main.cpp
index 537ec19..d89dd01 100644
--- a/samples/03_video_cuda_enc/video_cuda_enc_main.cpp
+++ b/samples/03_video_cuda_enc/video_cuda_enc_main.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>

 #include "nvbuf_utils.h"
 #include "NvCudaProc.h"
@@ -45,6 +49,8 @@

 using namespace std;

+struct timespec ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5;
 static void
 abort(context_t *ctx)
@@ -73,6 +79,9 @@ encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback(struct v4l2_buffer *v4l2_buf, NvBuffer * buffe
         return false;

+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts5);
+    printf("encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=%d ts5 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf->index, ts5.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts5.tv_nsec);
     write_encoder_output_frame(ctx->out_file, buffer);

     if (enc->capture_plane.qBuffer(*v4l2_buf, NULL) < 0)
@@ -108,6 +117,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
     int ret = 0;
     int error = 0;
     bool eos = false;
+    int frame_count = 10;


@@ -157,7 +167,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])

     if (ctx.encoder_pixfmt == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264)
-        ret = ctx.enc->setProfile(V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH);
+        //ret = ctx.enc->setProfile(V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_HIGH);
+        ret = ctx.enc->setProfile(V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_PROFILE_BASELINE);
@@ -176,12 +187,12 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])

     // Query, Export and Map the output plane buffers so that we can read
     // raw data into the buffers
-    ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 10, true, false);
+    ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 4, true, false);
     TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not setup output plane", cleanup);

     // Query, Export and Map the output plane buffers so that we can write
     // encoded data from the buffers
-    ret = ctx.enc->capture_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 10, true, false);
+    ret = ctx.enc->capture_plane.setupPlane(V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP, 4, true, false);
     TEST_ERROR(ret < 0, "Could not setup capture plane", cleanup);

     // output plane STREAMON
@@ -245,13 +256,18 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
         NvDestroyEGLImage(ctx.eglDisplay, ctx.eglimg);

+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts3);
+       printf("before output_plane.qBuffer index=%d ts3 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts3.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts3.tv_nsec);
         ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL);
+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts4);
+       printf("after output_plane.qBuffer index=%d ts4 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts4.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts4.tv_nsec);
         if (ret < 0)
             cerr << "Error while queueing buffer at output plane" << endl;
             goto cleanup;
+       printf("\n");

         if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0)
@@ -273,12 +289,16 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])

         v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;

+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts1);
+       printf("before output_plane.dqBuffer index=%d ts1 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts1.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts1.tv_nsec);
         if (ctx.enc->output_plane.dqBuffer(v4l2_buf, &buffer, NULL, 10) < 0)
             cerr << "ERROR while DQing buffer at output plane" << endl;
             goto cleanup;
+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts2);
+       printf("after output_plane.dqBuffer index=%d ts2 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts2.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts2.tv_nsec);

         if (read_video_frame(ctx.in_file, *buffer) < 0)
@@ -290,13 +310,25 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
         NvDestroyEGLImage(ctx.eglDisplay, ctx.eglimg);

+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts3);
+       printf("before output_plane.qBuffer index=%d ts3 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts3.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts3.tv_nsec);
         ret = ctx.enc->output_plane.qBuffer(v4l2_buf, NULL);
+       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts4);
+       printf("after output_plane.qBuffer index=%d ts4 time=%ld\n", v4l2_buf.index, ts4.tv_sec * 1000000000 + ts4.tv_nsec);
         if (ret < 0)
             cerr << "Error while queueing buffer at output plane" << endl;
             goto cleanup;
+       printf("\n");
+       frame_count--;
+       if (frame_count == 0) {
+           cout << "sleep and exit" << endl;
+           usleep(2000000);
+           break;
+       }

         if (v4l2_buf.m.planes[0].bytesused == 0)
diff --git a/samples/common/classes/NvUtils.cpp b/samples/common/classes/NvUtils.cpp
index 9a994a2..c36111d 100644
--- a/samples/common/classes/NvUtils.cpp
+++ b/samples/common/classes/NvUtils.cpp
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ read_video_frame(std::ifstream * stream, NvBuffer & buffer)
         plane.bytesused = 0;
         for (j = 0; j < plane.fmt.height; j++)
             stream->read(data, bytes_to_read);
             if (stream->gcount() < bytes_to_read)
                 return -1;
             data += plane.fmt.stride;
         plane.bytesused = plane.fmt.stride * plane.fmt.height;

Then, the output:

Failed to query video capabilities: Bad address
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 4
===== MSENC =====
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 4
before output_plane.qBuffer index=0 ts3 time=20736071424891		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 0 start
===== MSENC blits (mode: 1) into tiled surfaces =====
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=0 ts5 time=20736081566684	// encoded frame 0(SPS+PPS+IDR_SLICE) output, encoder take 10141793(ts5 - ts3) ns
after output_plane.qBuffer index=0 ts4 time=20736081663761		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 0 end, qBuffer take 10238870(ts4 - ts3) ns

before output_plane.qBuffer index=1 ts3 time=20736082638276		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 1 start
after output_plane.qBuffer index=1 ts4 time=20736091488806		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 1 end, qBuffer take 8850530(ts4 - ts3) ns

encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=1 ts5 time=20736091697698	// encoded frame 1(SLICE) output, encoder take 9059422(ts5 - ts3) ns
before output_plane.qBuffer index=2 ts3 time=20736092426032		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 2 start
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=2 ts5 time=20736101379003	// encoded frame 1(SLICE) output, encoder take 8952971(ts5 - ts3) ns
after output_plane.qBuffer index=2 ts4 time=20736101417854		// output_plane.qBuffer frame 1 end, qBuffer take 8991822(ts4 - ts3) ns

before output_plane.qBuffer index=3 ts3 time=20736102331905
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=3 ts5 time=20736111248889
after output_plane.qBuffer index=3 ts4 time=20736111286178

before output_plane.qBuffer index=4 ts3 time=20736112202885
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=4 ts5 time=20736120931808
after output_plane.qBuffer index=4 ts4 time=20736120968108

before output_plane.qBuffer index=5 ts3 time=20736121883513
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=5 ts5 time=20736130510724
after output_plane.qBuffer index=5 ts4 time=20736130547545

before output_plane.qBuffer index=6 ts3 time=20736131477584
after output_plane.qBuffer index=6 ts4 time=20736140275826

encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=6 ts5 time=20736140400765
before output_plane.qBuffer index=7 ts3 time=20736141196960
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=7 ts5 time=20736149853388
after output_plane.qBuffer index=7 ts4 time=20736149890104

before output_plane.qBuffer index=8 ts3 time=20736150908263
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=8 ts5 time=20736159592189
after output_plane.qBuffer index=8 ts4 time=20736159629895

before output_plane.qBuffer index=9 ts3 time=20736160603004
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=9 ts5 time=20736169510249
after output_plane.qBuffer index=9 ts4 time=20736169544621

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736169575505		// output_plane.dqBuffer frame 0 start
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts2 time=20736169611179		// output_plane.dqBuffer frame 0 end, dqBuffer take 35674(ts2 - ts1) ns
before output_plane.qBuffer index=0 ts3 time=20736170246552
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=0 ts5 time=20736178912875
after output_plane.qBuffer index=0 ts4 time=20736178943186

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736178984693
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=1 ts2 time=20736179003806
before output_plane.qBuffer index=1 ts3 time=20736179639752
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=1 ts5 time=20736188261599
after output_plane.qBuffer index=1 ts4 time=20736188291806

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736188332219
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=2 ts2 time=20736188351645
before output_plane.qBuffer index=2 ts3 time=20736188944885
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=2 ts5 time=20736197578867
after output_plane.qBuffer index=2 ts4 time=20736197608136

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736197639853
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=3 ts2 time=20736197665267
before output_plane.qBuffer index=3 ts3 time=20736198262257
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=3 ts5 time=20736206880615
after output_plane.qBuffer index=3 ts4 time=20736206909415

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736206949881
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=4 ts2 time=20736206975921
before output_plane.qBuffer index=4 ts3 time=20736207558381
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=4 ts5 time=20736216185697
after output_plane.qBuffer index=4 ts4 time=20736216214965

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736216246265
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=5 ts2 time=20736216271576
before output_plane.qBuffer index=5 ts3 time=20736216948769
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=5 ts5 time=20736225559419
after output_plane.qBuffer index=5 ts4 time=20736225589261

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736225620717
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=6 ts2 time=20736225646757
before output_plane.qBuffer index=6 ts3 time=20736226286452
after output_plane.qBuffer index=6 ts4 time=20736234854866

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736234900123
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=7 ts2 time=20736234923194
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=6 ts5 time=20736235002980
before output_plane.qBuffer index=7 ts3 time=20736235495550
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=7 ts5 time=20736244094483
after output_plane.qBuffer index=7 ts4 time=20736244172602

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736244214214
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=8 ts2 time=20736244233327
before output_plane.qBuffer index=8 ts3 time=20736244862762
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=8 ts5 time=20736253500546
after output_plane.qBuffer index=8 ts4 time=20736253531690

before output_plane.dqBuffer index=0 ts1 time=20736253563980
after output_plane.dqBuffer index=9 ts2 time=20736253588874
before output_plane.qBuffer index=9 ts3 time=20736254303616
encoder_capture_plane_dq_callback index=9 ts5 time=20736262929682
after output_plane.qBuffer index=9 ts4 time=20736262959211

sleep and exit
App run was successful

Is this a BUG?
Is the VideoEncoder’s qBuffer work in sync mode waiting for encoding completion of the frame?
If so, I am afraid the buffer pool is needless.

Any helps? Why my post is not Activity

Hi iemdey, we will check and update.

Hi iemdey,
We can observe the issue and are checking the plan of making improvement on future releases.

Hi DaneLLL,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m looking forward to the release with this issue fixed.

Sorry I was deleted this.

I’m in a similar situation. (I’m using R24.2 not R24.2.1)

It looks that dqBuffer() blocks the ioctl() of qBuffer().
I’ve added “O_NONBLOCK”, but the situation was not changed.

ctx.enc = NvVideoEncoder::createVideoEncoder("enc0", O_NONBLOCK);

Attached image is a screen shot of the SystemProfiler.

Without “O_NONBLOCK”
[4045] memcpy() and qBuffer() (My application)
[4084] dqBuffer() (dqThread)
[4095] capture images from USB3 by V4L2 (30fps, 33msec interval)

[4160] memcpy() and qBuffer() (My application)
[4169] dqBuffer() (dqThread)
[4170] capture images from USB3 by V4L2 (30fps, 33msec interval)

Hi DaneLLL,

I’m trying the patch.

**Refering to:
v4l2 video encoder performance

How to achieve the H.264 encoding performance: 4K (3,840x2,160)/30fps with OpenMAX IL API/L4T R24.1

But it did not change the situation that ioctl() of qBuffer() waits the end of encoding (done of dqBuffer()).

Isn’t this patch for the bug of ioctl() blocking ?

Screen shot of the System Profiler
[6333] qBuffer() of Output plane to encode
[6339] dqThread of Capture plane to encode
[6340] dqBuffer() of Capture plane to encode

External Media

Hi mynaemi,

Isn’t this patch for the bug of ioctl() blocking ?
No, the patch is not for ioctl() blocking.

Hi DaneLLL,

Thanks for your quick reply.
It’s disappointing.
Then I’ll be waiting.

We will have this fixed in next TX1 release.

Hi DaneLLL,

I appreciate your support.
I’m waiting hopefully for your next good news.